case 1) I open monzille firefox and go the http://localhost:8080/wicket-examples-1.2.2/signin2 i log in and a get the welcome page. I open a new tab of firefox past the url and i directly get the welcome page without logging in. When i open a new Window and put in the url i also get the welcome page. With other words the session is shared.

case ie 7) between tabs it is shared , a new window is a new session.

With IE (at least pre 7; I never used 7 myself), that depends on whether you open a new instance using ctrl+n/ new window, or actually click the icon to start a whole new instance. In the latter case, you'll have a separate process with a separate session.

Question1) Is it possible to have the same behaviour for both.

I'm afraid not, as this is browser specific. No web application(framework) can control that.

Question2) Is it possible that a tab or a new window is always a new session.

We have multi window detection, and each window will get it's own page map. We can't start a new session for that, as session management is done by the server container. We have been talking about window scoped data management though. I'd really like to see such a facility myself. For now, you could partition the session by page map yourself. You would need to store/ retrieve data that might be window dependent by using the current page map:

PageMap pm = getPage().getPageMap();
MySession sess = MySession.get();
Window data = "">

Something like that anyway.

Hope this helps,

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