
I'm having difficulties using iframe inside a webpage, as the destination page of my iframe is loaded twice.

Example code:

<form wicket:id="webForm">
   <input type="submit" wicket:id="btnSubmit"/>
<iframe wicket:id="iFrame"></iframe>

private WebMarkupContainer iFrame = null;
public MainPage() {
  iFrame = new WebMarkupContainer("iFrame");
  Form webForm = new Form("webForm");
  webForm.add(new AjaxSubmitButton("btnSubmit", webForm){
    protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
      iFrame.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("src", urlFor(PageMap.forName("subpage"), SubPage.class, null)));

There will be two SubPage-instances created with different pagemap (first time "subpage", second time "wicket-0").
When looking into this, I saw in the wicket.markup.html.WebPage, that the location is set again with different pagemap.

I tried also 2 other options :

1. Set the pagemap in the constructor of the SubPage : super(PageMap.forName("subpage"));

2. Use wicket.markup.html.link.InlineFrame instead of WebMarkupContainer. With this last one, I'm not sure I implemented it right.
    iFrame = new InlineFrame("iFrame", PageMap.forName("subpage"), SubPage.class);
    // I want an empty iframe the first time
    iFrame.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("src", ""));
    iFrame = new WebMarkupContainer("iFrame");
    Form webForm = new ...

When testing all the above, sometimes I ran into a neverending cycle, because the window.location is set everytime.

What is the solution? I know that using no iframes is the best one, but I have a searchbox + underneath my results.
Only the results may be scrollable, so the searchbox is always visible.

Thanks in advance !
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