Absolutely !, thanks a lot Igor, I'll try it right now. I agree that is an 
uncommon use case and it doesn't deserve an api change and a custom solution is 
what is needed.


Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ok, this is a bit tricky but is def 
doable. i dont think this is a very common usecase, so i dont think we will 
create all the factories/etc for you to be able to do this out of the box 
because in most cases it will just be api bloat. 

that said, although not trivial it is still def very possible

start with extending the autocompletebehavior
override getcallbackurl and do something like

so now whenever the url is invoked for the autocomplete it will also contain a 
"limiter" param whose value will be the value of that textfield - make sure 
someid is the id of that textfield.

then simply create your own component, or add the behavior directly to a 
textfield, see AutoCompleteTextField source - its rather trivial. 

now in your getchoices() you can do getrequest().getparameter("limiter") and 
that will give you that extra value you need to filter

make sense?


 On 3/26/07, Jaime De La Jara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Basically what I need 
is to narrow the possible choices of the autocomplete field, depending on the 
value the user entered in the other field (which is a normal field).
This is a user requirement to simplify their data entry, in this case the 
normal field is an invoice number and the autocomplete field corresponds to the 
vendor name, so if the user enters invoice number 0189, and in the autocomplete 
he types "E" the list displayed should show only the vendors whose name start 
with an "E" and 
have an invoice numbered 0189.


Igor Vaynberg < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 On 3/26/07,  Jaime De La Jara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi, I have a form with some fields and a AutoCompleteTextField that is 
working nice, however now I need to retrieve the value of a TextField from this 
AutoCompleteTextField so I can restrict the values shown for autocompletion. Is 
this possible?   
umm...isnt that what the autocomplete is for? you are in control of the 
choices, so why would you need to further restrict them?



  in the affirmative case, could you give me a hint?


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