It depends on what you are looking for.


wicket-contrib-dojo is in my opinion the most actively maintained.
extjs is not a project yet, and yui is in its infancy if I understand correctly.
scriptactulous is not very evolved as a supported library, however I
haven't followed its commit logs recently.

But there is more to consider in activity: the javascript library itself.

dojo is a very active community and I think they need to stabilize
their api. It's been a year and a half since I tracked their project
and it still isn't stable. This doesn't mean their code is bad, but
their project seems constantly in flux.

The prototype family (scriptaculous, rico, mootools, ...) seems to
have a slower development path. Scriptaculous seems to have a more API
from the javascript side.

* JQuery is getting great reviews, though there is no wicket-contrib
project for that. It is active
* YUI and YUI Ext (extjs) also get great reviews and seem like a good
place to start. YUI is very stable, and extjs just reached 1.0, so

Wicket doesn't provide many JavaScript widgets, and when we add them
we're sorry we did so given the enormous drain on resources they cause
(the modal window is one example, the datepicker another). However,
the provided widgets give a great programming model, and are therefore
quite popular.

For choosing a library it is a matter of taste and priorities. If you
want an actively maintained wicket project, then dojo should be your
cup of tea, if you want stability, probably prototype + some other
library would be a better choice. If you want small footprint, then
consider adopting mootools. If you want a huge company backing, YUI
would be a good library, with extjs as a nice extra.

Personally I'm not too fond of huge javascript libraries anymore. Yes
most of our customers have DSL, but their download capacity is shared
and downloading 125kb takes a toll on their experience. I also favor
stability of the underlying javascript library so I don't have to
upgrade every other day or week.


On 4/23/07, David Leangen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm just getting started with javascript/ajax/etc. There are a few OS
> toolkits out there, and I noticed on wicket stuff that dojo,
> scriptaculous, and yui seem to be supported.
> To what degree are each supported in wicket-stuff?
> For people with more wicket+ajax experience, which toolkit would you
> recommend, and why?
> (Note: I also need standalone widgets in addition to wicket support, so
> I figured that one of the toolkits would perhaps be better than the
> "standard" wicket ajax components. If this impression is wrong, please
> let me know!)
> Thanks!
> David
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