
Sorry for my bad answers today, I was doing too many things at the
same time, and now that I re-read your use case I think I understand
better what you want.

If I'm correct, you want to decorate a label with a star, and use some
css class or id with that star and have the ability to turn the star
off or on depending on a condition.

Disregard the rest of the thread, because indeed Labels (or any
component replacing their bodies) don't allow nested components. Your
best choice is to use a behavior:

        label.add(new AbstractBehavior() {

                public boolean isEnabled(Component component) {
                        return myCondition();
                public void onRendered(Component component) {
                        Response response = component.getResponse();
                        response.write("<span id='foo' class='bar'>*</span>");

The behavior writes directly to the response (after the component
itself is rendered) and the visibility can be steered using isEnabled.

Do note that if it wasn't for the fact that you're trying to decorate
labels, you could have used Borders instead of a behavior. Not to say
that this is better, just be aware of the alternative (in case you are
annotating markupcontainers).

Hope this helps,


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