Dear WIEN-users,

On a new computer I have met a problem that cannot solve.
Non-parallel calculation works well, but the parallel over k-points stops in 
More precisely in lapw1para_lapw: the execution does not return from the line:
(cd $PWD;$t $exe ${def}_$loop.def;rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p]) >>.time1_$loop &

It performs entirely lapw1_N (up to      STOP ' LAPW1 END'), 
cleans the uplapw1_N.error files, 
and stops.
top shows that there are 8*lapw1,
1+8* lapw1_para's 
and one reappearing sleep. All with zero CPU %.

.lockfiles exist in the directory.
.time1_ contains only "localhost(18)"

I think the problem lies in command &
Could you please advice me something?

Best regards
Lyudmila Dobysheva
Phys.-Techn. Institute of Ural Br. of Russian Ac. of Sci.
426001 Izhevsk, ul.Kirova 132
Tel.:7(3412) 442118 (home), 218988(office), 250614(Fax)
E-mail: lyu at, lyu at,english/

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