Margo, no one knows - it is a function of temperature and doping and will in 
general be material specific.  The virtue of using Boltztrap
Is that one can compute the thermopower without needing to know the value.  You 
can make an estimate if you have published values of the mobility for the 
material at hand, but in general estimating the relaxation time from first 
principles is a hard problem. - David
-----Original Message-----
From: wien-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Malgorzata Bukala
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 10:32 AM
To: wien at
Subject: [Wien] (no subject)

Dear users of  Wien2k,

I have a question about BoltzTraP code. 
In this program to simplify the Boltzmann equation the relaxation time 
approximation is adopted and relaxation time is kept constant. But what is the 
value of this parameter?


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