Dear Said,
your question is too general for anyone here to answer in detail - interpreting optical properties of solids can easily be a one-semester course for 3rd-year physics students or so. The central quantity is the frequency-dependent permittivity calculated in WIEN using Eq. (14) of Ambrosch-Draxl et al. 2006 article (doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2006.03.005 ) and its interband part, Eq. (16), carries information about transitions between individual electronic bands in the material. So, you can make conclusions about the band structure from optical measurements.

Kind regards,


--- x ---
dr. Karel Vyborny
Fyzikalni ustav AV CR, v.v.i.
Cukrovarnicka 10
Praha 6, CZ-16253
tel: +420220318459

On Wed, 2 Mar 2016, said chibani wrote:

Dear Wien Users ,how to interpret the graphs of the optical properties  
( The imaginary part of the complex dielectric and real part , the
reflectivity R( w ),the refractive index n( w ),the absorption coefficients,
the electron energy-loss function L( w )).

Please, could you help me?

Best wishes.

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