Pablo, if you read Fabien's original 2009 PRL on the mBJ the parameters (a.b.c) 
were chosen to reproduce
Experimental band gaps.  This does not call the work into question, the basic 
method is on solid ground, but there
is a certain empirical fitting involved.  It usually does reasonably well for 
this precise reason.  Remember it is an exchange correlation
potential, not a functional like GGA.  Best, David Parker

Fabien, perhaps you can comment on the above.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of delamora
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 1:11 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Cc: Juan Manuel Radear; gt
Subject: Re: [Wien] How to get accurate GAP using BJ or mBJ methods?

Dear Fabien,
        I think that there is a confusion here;
        Semi empirical methods need parameters and one get, adjusting 
parameters, good results
        On the other hand DFT, in principle, does not need adjustable 
        There are issues that need adjustable parameters, such as the Hubbard U.
        My impression was that the BJ was an improvement that did not need any 
extra adjustable parameters, but from what you are saying, I am wrong. Is this 
the case?
        We used the mBJ for K2LnTa3O10 (1) and for Ce1/3NbO3 (2) and we got 
good results. Was this just good luck?

                            Pablo de la Mora

2 ) On the mechanism of electrical conductivity in Ce1/3NbO3, Computational 
Materials Science Volume 111, January 2016, Pages 101?106

<> en nombre de <>
Enviado: lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016 11:40 a. m.
Para: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Asunto: Re: [Wien] How to get accurate GAP using BJ or mBJ methods?

The fundamental problem of DFT is to be an approximate method whatever
is the xc functional/potential that is used.

Anyway, if you really need band structure for your compounds with correct
band gap, then you can empirically adjust the parameter c of the mBJ
potential until the desired band gaps is obtained. For this, you need
to create the file case.in0abp.
For instance if you want to fix c to 1.2, the case.in0abp should be like
this (see Sec. 4.5.9 of the UG):

F. Tran

On Mon, 29 Feb 2016, JingQun wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am running wien 14.2 on a machine with operating system centos 6.5, fortran 
> compiler ifort.
> I want to calculate the electronic structures of borates (such as BBO, KBBF, 
> LBO, and so on)and get accurate GAP using BJ or mBJ methods. During the 
> calculation, I have encountered some problems. They are:
> 1, Take KBBF for example. The bandgap of KBBF is 8.0 eV (the UV cutoff edge 
> is about 155 nm).  During the calculation, the unit-cell parameters and 
> atomic coordinates were obtained from XRD, and the RMT were set as K (2.50), 
> Be(1.28), B(1.19), O(1.38)
> F(1.56). The core electron states were separated from the valence states by 
> -8.0 Ry, and the Rkmax was set as 5.0. The Irreducible Brillouin Zon was 
> sampled at 500 k-points without shifted meshes, and the convergent condition 
> for SCF was set as 10E(-5). In
> order to get accurate GAP as described elsewhere, a mBJ method was used. 
> While unlike many other successful example, the bandgap obtained is either 
> larger or smaller than the experimental values. That is to say, when I chose 
> ‘Original mBJ values (Tran,Blaha
> PRL102,226401)’to calculate, the GAP of KBBF is about 11.504 eV, much larger 
> than the experimental values (8.0 eV), while when I chose ‘Unmodified BJ 
> potential (Becke,Johnson J.Chem.Phys 124,221101’, the result is 7.301 eV, 
> smaller than experimental values.
> Can anyone kindly tell me how to get accurate bandgap value of borates ?
> PS: The KBBF.struct, KBBF.in1c, KBBF.in2c were added as attachment.
> KBBF.struct
> blebleble
> MODE OF CALC=RELA unit=bohr
>   8.364065  8.364065 35.454261 90.000000 90.000000120.000000
> ATOM  -1: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.00000000
>           MULT= 1          ISPLIT= 4
> K          NPT=  781  R0=.000050000 RMT= 2.50000     Z:  19.00000
> LOCAL ROT MATRIX:    1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
>                      0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
>                      0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
> ATOM  -2: X=0.72172000 Y=0.72172000 Z=0.72172000
>           MULT= 2          ISPLIT= 4
>       -2: X=0.27828000 Y=0.27828000 Z=0.27828000
> F          NPT=  781  R0=.000100000 RMT= 1.56        Z:   9.00000
> LOCAL ROT MATRIX:    1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
>                      0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
>                      0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
> ATOM  -3: X=0.80242000 Y=0.80242000 Z=0.80242000
>           MULT= 2          ISPLIT= 4
>       -3: X=0.19758000 Y=0.19758000 Z=0.19758000
> Be         NPT=  781  R0=.000100000 RMT= 1.28        Z:   4.00000
> LOCAL ROT MATRIX:    1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
>                      0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
>                      0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
> ATOM  -4: X=0.50000000 Y=0.19045000 Z=0.80955000
>           MULT= 3          ISPLIT= 8
>       -4: X=0.80955000 Y=0.50000000 Z=0.19045000
>       -4: X=0.19045000 Y=0.80955000 Z=0.50000000
> O          NPT=  781  R0=.000100000 RMT= 1.38        Z:   8.00000
> LOCAL ROT MATRIX:    0.0000000 0.5000000 0.8660254
>                      0.0000000-0.8660254 0.5000000
>                      1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
> ATOM  -5: X=0.50000000 Y=0.50000000 Z=0.50000000
>           MULT= 1          ISPLIT= 4
> B          NPT=  781  R0=.000100000 RMT= 1.19        Z:   5.00000
> LOCAL ROT MATRIX:    1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
>                      0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
>                      0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
> -1 0 0 0.00000000
>  0 0-1 0.00000000
>  0-1 0 0.00000000
>        1
>  0-1 0 0.00000000
> -1 0 0 0.00000000
>  0 0-1 0.00000000
>        2
>  0 0-1 0.00000000
>  0-1 0 0.00000000
> -1 0 0 0.00000000
>        3
>  0 1 0 0.00000000
>  0 0 1 0.00000000
>  1 0 0 0.00000000
>        4
>  0 0 1 0.00000000
>  1 0 0 0.00000000
>  0 1 0 0.00000000
>        5
>  1 0 0 0.00000000
>  0 1 0 0.00000000
>  0 0 1 0.00000000
>        6
> KBBF.in1c
> WFFIL  EF=-.100583812400   (WFFIL, WFPRI, ENFIL, SUPWF)
>   5.00       10    4 (R-MT*K-MAX; MAX L IN WF, V-NMT
>   0.30    4  0      (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global APW/LAPW)
>  0   -2.30      0.002 CONT 1
>  0    0.30      0.000 CONT 1
>  1   -1.08      0.002 CONT 1
>  1    0.30      0.000 CONT 1
>   0.30    3  0      (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global APW/LAPW)
>  0   -1.90      0.002 CONT 1
>  0    0.30      0.000 CONT 1
>  1    0.30      0.000 CONT 1
>   0.30    2  0      (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global APW/LAPW)
>  0    0.30      0.000 CONT 1
>  0   -7.51      0.001 STOP 1
>   0.30    3  0      (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global APW/LAPW)
>  0   -1.46      0.002 CONT 1
>  0    0.30      0.000 CONT 1
>  1    0.30      0.000 CONT 1
>   0.30    2  0      (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global APW/LAPW)
>  0    0.30      0.000 CONT 1
>  1    0.30      0.000 CONT 1
> K-VECTORS FROM UNIT:4  -11.0       1.5   54   emin / de (emax=Ef+de) / nband
> KBBF.in2c
> TOT             (TOT,FOR,QTL,EFG,FERMI)
>   -14.00   52.00   0.50 0.05  1   EMIN, NE, ESEPERMIN, ESEPER0, iqtlsave
> TETRA    0.000      (GAUSS,ROOT,TEMP,TETRA,ALL      eval)
>   0 0  2 0 -3 3  4 0  4 3 -5 3  6 0  6 3  6 6
>   0 0  1 0  2 0  3 0  3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 3 -4 3  5 0  5 3 -5 3  6 0  6 3 -6 3  
> 6 6 -6 6
>   0 0  1 0  2 0  3 0  3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 3 -4 3  5 0  5 3 -5 3  6 0  6 3 -6 3  
> 6 6 -6 6
>   0 0  1 0  2 0  2 2 -2 2  3 0  3 2 -3 2  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 -4 4  5 0  5 2 
> -5 2  5 4 -5 4  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6 6 -6 6
>   0 0  2 0 -3 3  4 0  4 3 -5 3  6 0  6 3  6 6
>  14.00          GMAX
> NOFILE        FILE/NOFILE  write recprlist
> 2, In some papers, they said ‘The potential and charge density in the 
> muffin-tin (MT) spheres are expanded in spherical harmonics with lmax = 8 and 
> non-spherical components up to lmax = 6.’I don’t know how to set different 
> lmax value during the calculation.
> Can anyone tell me how to do ?
> Thanks very much.
> Yours
> Qun Jing
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