On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 05:00:01PM +0530, Rajneesh Chaurasiya wrote:
> I have optimised the cubic structure by calculating the total energy with
> varying the lattice parameter size (%). In the optimised file, data has
> been plotted between the total energy and volume of cell. i found that the
> optimized lattice parameter is 8.19 angstrom and corresponding volume of
> cell is 928.34 (a.u3). now if i change the lattice parameter from angstrom
> to atomic unit and calculate the volume then i found 3702 (a.u3) approx. so
> i could not find how the conversion taken place. So can any one suggest
> what types of conversion are happened in the background.


1) 3702/928.34 approx 4 (3.9878)
2) The 4 factor agrees with a F structure. The rest is basic crystallography.
3) A cubic structures is not enough information. What cubic? A Pm-3m? A Im-3m?
   A Fm-3m? The three are correct cubic structures (different, of course).

     Dr. Víctor Luaña
    .  .    "De la cuna a la tumba es una escuela, por eso lo que llamas
   / `' \    problemas son lecciones."
  /(o)(o)\   (From the cradle to the grave life is a school, ...)
 /`. \/ .'\  -- Facundo Cabral, Cuna
/   '`'`   \ 
|  \'`'`/  | "When are we ready to learn something? Motivation is the
|  |'`'`|  | Motivation is the most important step in education."
 \/`'`'`'\/  -- adapted from Adam Steltzner, 2016 (ElPaís)
! Dr.Víctor Luaña, in silico chemist & prof. !
! Departamento de Química Física y Analítica !
! Universidad de Oviedo, 33006-Oviedo, Spain !
! e-mail:  <vic...@fluor.quimica.uniovi.es>  !
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