
No, Fermi-contact term has not "improved", we are still using the same GGA approximation.

However, in bcc Fe (a ferromagnet) the situation is usually VERY different from a NMR calculation.

In bcc Fe the main contribution comes from the core electrons (3s), which respond to the huge 3d moment and the hyperfine field is 30 T !!!!. The localized core electrons are not well describe by GGA.

In NMR for paramagnetic metals, often (not always) the main contribution comes from an reoccupation of the valence 4s (or 5s in 4d elements, ...) and this valence electrons are "hopefully" well described by GGA.

It is true, however, that sometimes the 3d DOS at EF is large, which introduces a 3d moment and also some sizable core response to the HFF. However, the fields are only ppm of 100T, so much much smaller. (PS: we know for instance that the shift in hcp Sc is completely wrong in DFT calculations, because GGA seems to overestimate magnetism).


Am 21.09.2017 um 13:37 schrieb pieper:
Dear Wien2k users,

I have a question about the Fermi-contact fields printed at the HFFnnn labels in the scf file.

Back in 2010 Peter Blaha advised in this mailing list that the Fermi-contact interaction can be underestimated at least for 3d-metals like Fe by 10 - 20% [www.mail-archive.com/wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/msg02201.html] and Pavel Novak indicated that in his opinion it might be difficult to correct this misbehaviour by some suitable local or semi-local Vxc [www.mail-archive.com/wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/msg03011.html].

Since this was pre-NMR-package and at the beginning of hybrids I wonder wether the situation has improved in the meantime? The NMR-package as I understand it calculates shielding current distributions so I don't expect it improves on Fermi-contact fields - is that correct? And is there a way to get improved values from hybrids that I am unaware of?

Best regards,

Martin Pieper

Peter Blaha
Inst.Materials Chemistry
TU Vienna
Getreidemarkt 9
A-1060 Vienna
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