13 years old!

Peter, perhaps that pdf should be removed, or at least updated.

Professor Laurence Marks
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody
else has thought", Albert Szent-Gyorgi
Corrosion in 4D http://MURI4D.numis.northwestern.edu
Partner of the CFW 100% gender equity project, www.cfw.org/100-percent
Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A

On Oct 12, 2017 17:26, "Dr. K. C. Bhamu" <kcbham...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I read it from:
> http://susi.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/reg_user/textbooks/
> Optimization-Notes.pdf
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__susi.theochem.tuwien.ac.at_reg-5Fuser_textbooks_Optimization-2DNotes.pdf&d=DwMFaQ&c=yHlS04HhBraes5BQ9ueu5zKhE7rtNXt_d012z2PA6ws&r=U_T4PL6jwANfAy4rnxTj8IUxm818jnvqKFdqWLwmqg0&m=jaERo6-xRrI1rqWCrakeE5WmWmBA9HsvfQ0pWtZpamE&s=OFS3X_qbcyxELGx_zXXFBbvxMuBqBovxvY3RXRzgt0g&e=>
> anyway, I need guidance how to find the optimized a, b, c from the process
> mentioned in the previous email.
> Bhamu
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 3:38 AM, Laurence Marks <l-ma...@northwestern.edu>
> wrote:
>> I did not write notes on cell optimizations, just MSR1a. Swamped.
>> ---
>> Professor Laurence Marks
>> "Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
>> nobody else has thought", Albert Szent-Gyorgi
>> http://www.numis.northwestern.edu
>> Corrosion in 4D http://MURI4D.numis.northwestern.edu
>> Partner of the CFW 100% gender equity project, www.cfw.org/100-percent
>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cfw.org_100-2Dpercent&d=DwMFaQ&c=yHlS04HhBraes5BQ9ueu5zKhE7rtNXt_d012z2PA6ws&r=U_T4PL6jwANfAy4rnxTj8IUxm818jnvqKFdqWLwmqg0&m=jaERo6-xRrI1rqWCrakeE5WmWmBA9HsvfQ0pWtZpamE&s=136BuFehDxfbu-aLHihHHBe0SH-xSmqbE_FfjK2n8F8&e=>
>> Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A
>> On Oct 12, 2017 17:05, "Dr. K. C. Bhamu" <kcbham...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Prof. Marks,
>>> I read your optimization notes for orthorhombic cell and tried to
>>> optimize an orthorhombic cell but I could not obtain an optimization plot.
>>> So I am following the standard procedure as below taken from your
>>> suggestion in the mailing list https://www.mail-archive.com/w
>>> i...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/msg06932.html
>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.mail-2Darchive.com_wien-40zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at_msg06932.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=yHlS04HhBraes5BQ9ueu5zKhE7rtNXt_d012z2PA6ws&r=U_T4PL6jwANfAy4rnxTj8IUxm818jnvqKFdqWLwmqg0&m=CCwrrgUZT3FHbBbTKhyWl219yV58Vhv95TA_U_uQYds&s=3Z2BD0hubIJEMETcqg_8zHYeAIXe5P9S2fezgiH9Zgg&e=>)
>>> and have a queries:
>>> The procedure is a four-step task what I am following:
>>> The original lattice parameters were: a, b, c=16.763005, 24.803600,
>>> 16.320431  >> vol 6785.64777697697 bohr^3.
>>> 1.   VARY C/A RATIO with CONSTANT VOLUME and B/A (orthorh lattice)
>>> getting below optimized data:
>>>  ==========================================================
>>> Lowest point on X-axis is =  -1.615800
>>> Minimum value of B/A is =     1.455755
>>> Minimum value of ENE is =   -339059.104498 Ry
>>>  ==========================================================
>>> Value of A is =     16.85428 bohr  ;    8.91890 Ang
>>> Value of B is =     24.53569 bohr  ;   12.98373 Ang
>>> Value of C is =     16.40929 bohr  ;    8.68342 Ang
>>>  ==========================================================
>>> Initial value of  B/A is =          1.479663
>>> Conv. Unit Cell Vol =  6785.7557 bohr^3 ; **********Ang^
>>> 2.  Volume optimization using option 1 in "x optimize" and then
>>> calculating new volume from eplot option.
>>> Query: Step two is giving optimized volume but I do not know how to
>>> calculate lattices parameters from a single volume
>>> value for the next step "VARY C/A RATIO with CONSTANT VOLUME and B/A
>>> (orthorh lattice)"?
>>> The original cell volume and lattice parameters are mentioned at the
>>> beginning.
>>> and the new volume from step two is: 6815.3427 bohr^3
>>> The above same query is for the remaining process:
>>> 3. optimization of C/A
>>> 4. optimization of V.
>>> *5 At the final step I will do structural relaxation (min_.....).
>>> Could you please advice me how to proceed?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Bhamu
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