Sorry, it is not clear to me what you are asking.

As far as I know, BoltzTrap and the new BoltzTrap2 are 'serial' programs.

By "implement parallel BoltzTrap", are you asking about how to use the WIEN2k parallel output from an scf calculation (run[sp]_lapw -p) with BoltzTrap?

There is currently a script [ ] for combining the parallel energy files of WIEN2k into a serial one that can be used with BoltzTrap.

Note that on the website at

there is:

/"finally how to run Boltztrap in parallel mode?"-Muthu

/I am not sure you can run this is parallel. Unless you have a huge number of tangled bands, you really shouldn’t need to. Further, if you do have such a system, only consider the mobility of the bands near the fermi energy as those will be the only ones participating in electronic mobility (in general).-Levi/

Or are asking how to program the BoltzTrap source code to make parts of it parallel?

If your trying to rewrite parts of the code to parallelize it, I think Intel has some documentation for doing that with their ifort or icc compilers. For example, see:

Some universities might have courses or hold seminars on programing for code parallelization.

There should also be coding school companies that offer online courses.  If you happen to work for a software company, your company might be paying one of those online coding schools to give you access to those courses.  Maybe, even some universities do that too.  Your library or department could likely tell you what is available to you.  As an example, the "High-performance Computing in C++" course website for Pluralsight mentions it covers MPI and parallelization topics:

However, I haven't taken the above course, so I cannot vouch for whether it would be helpful or not for parallelizing the BolzTrap source code.  There may be a more appropriate course or tutorial that you could find yourself somewhere else on the web.

On 10/29/2017 3:36 PM, Kamil Klier wrote:
I'd like to join this inquiry, with specifics on how to implement parallel BoltzTrap and whether a link to graphic (ps ?) could be mads available.

With thanks,


On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 10:15 PM, Gavin Abo < <>> wrote:


    Just curious, has anyone heard if the new BoltzTraP2 package will
    remain a private code or if it is just not ready yet for public

    The BoltzTraP website

    and the blank workshop conclusion slide at

    don't seem to provide any hints about that.

    Thanks in advance,


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