20.07.2018 10:36, Subhasis Panda wrote:
As suggested by you, we checked for the nn directory in Wienroot & it was not there. So we copy it from SRC_nn. Then ls - l command show read write option but not excution option (x). So by chmod +x we make it excutable option. Then from w2web  initialize caln following errors are showing.

  : Exec format error. Wrong Architecture
error: command   /home/anupriya/WIEN2k_17.1/nn nn.def   failed
  n stop error n

1. Try to do in terminal (not in w2web):
x nn

2. What is now the answer to
ls -l $WIENROOT/nn

3. What answers the command
whereis nn

Best wishes
Lyudmila Dobysheva

On Jul 12, 2018 12:11 PM, "Gavin Abo" wrote:
    If nn does not exist in the directory /home/anupriya/WIEN2k_17.1/
    but exists in the directory /home/anupriya/WIEN2k_17.1/SRC_nn, copy

    On Sat, Jul 7, 2018 at 11:02 PM, Laurence Marks wrote:
        Use "grep -ie error compile.msg"; what you included are not errors

        On Sat, Jul 7, 2018, 11:32 Subhasis Panda wrote:
            As suggested by you errors from the compile.msg are as

            On Fri, Jul 6, 2018, 3:43 PM Peter Blaha wrote:
                The problem clearly says:   nn not found.
                Most likely, the installation (compilation) did NOT
                work properly.
                Check for the presence of /home/anupriya/WIEN2k_17.1/nn
                if it does not exist,
                cd SRC_nn; cat compile.msg    and check for errors.

                Am 05.07.2018 um 08:36 schrieb Subhasis Panda:
                >   next is setrmt
                >   next is nn
                > /home/anupriya/WIEN2k_17.1/nn: Command not found.
                > 0.0u 0.0s 0:00.00 0.0% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
                > error: command  /home/anupriya/WIEN2k_17.1/nn nn.def
                >   n stop error n

Lyudmila Dobysheva
Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Br. of Rus.Ac.Sci.
426000 Izhevsk Kirov str. 132
Tel. +7 (34I2)43-24-59 (office), +7 (9I2)OI9-795O (home)
Skype: lyuka18 (office), lyuka17 (home)
E-mail: lyuk...@mail.ru (office), lyuk...@gmail.com (home)
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