Awesome work! It's interesting to see Finnish as the outlier here. Do
we have any fi-users on the list who can comment on this and might
know what's going on? (And, in the absence of Finns: Jan, heard
anything from across the border? :p)

The only caution I'd raise is that these numbers don't include spider
filtering. Why is this important? Well, a lot of traffic is driven by
crawlers and spiders and automata, particularly on smaller projects,
and it can lead to weirdness as a result. With the granular pagecount
files there's some work that can be done to detect this (for example,
using burst detection and a few heuristics around concentration
measures to eliminate pages that are clearly driven by automated
traffic - see the recent analytics mailing list thread) but only some.
I appreciate this is a flaw in the data we are releasing, not in your
work, which is an excellent read and highly interesting :). I agree
that understanding the lack of development in the PRC and ROK is
crucial - we keep talking about the "next billion readers" but only
talking :(

On 16 March 2015 at 02:21, h <> wrote:
> Dear all,
>     I have some findings to show the page views per Internet user
> measurement may help comparing different language editions of Wikipedia.
> Criticism and suggestions are welcome.
> -----
> Which language version of Wikipedia enjoys the most page views per language
> Internet user than expected? It is Finnish. In terms of absolute positive
> and negative gap, English has the widest positive gap whereas Chinese has
> the largest negative gap.
> ......
> In particular, it is known that Wikipedia (and Google which often favours
> Wikipedia) faces local competition in the People's Republic of China and
> South Korea. Therefore it is understandable the page views may be lower in
> Chinese and Korean Wikipedia language projects simply because some users'
> need to read user-generated encyclopedias are satisfied by other websites.
> However, it remains an important question to examine why these particular
> Latin and Asian languages are under-developed for Wikipedia projects.
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Oliver Keyes
Research Analyst
Wikimedia Foundation

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