
our plan is that they will, we are committed to that, but also that the papers are accessible before the presentation.
Olivier and Georg, in cc, are already working on that aspect.

My philosophy is that the goal of the presentations (and of being in Paris) must be to interact better, to build on the research presented, in a world to have time to co-construct the next steps.

But, of course, if you guys reading cannot be in Paris with us (August 22-24), we will make our best to provide you with the tools to be connected with the conference


Le 17/01/2018 à 21:59, Aaron Halfaker a écrit :
Hi Nicolas!

Thanks for sending the CFP.  Any chance that the talks will be live-streamed this year?  :)

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 10:57 AM, Nicolas Jullien <nicolas.jull...@telecom-bretagne.eu <mailto:nicolas.jull...@telecom-bretagne.eu>> wrote:

    Dear all,

    it's my pleasure to inform you that the call for paper for OpenSym
    2018 is available.
    Conference Website and call for papers: http://opensym.org

    Papers are due by March 15, 23h59 (any time on Earth).
    Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=opensym2018
    (accepted rate in 2017: 45%)

    Topics: The conference provides peer-reviewed research tracks on
    subjects related to open collaboration including:
    - Open Collaboration Research, esp. Wikis and Social Media
    - Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
    - Open Data, Open Access, and Open Science
    - Open Education
    - IT-Driven Open Innovation
    - Open Policy/Open Government/Open Law
    - Wikipedia and Wikimedia Research

    Looking forward to seeing your paper's presentation in Paris

    Nicolas Jullien, general chair of OpenSym 2018

    About the Conference

    OpenSym is the only conference that brings together the different
    strands of open collaboration research and practice, seeking to
    create synergies and inspire new collaborations between people from
    computer science, information science, social science, humanities,
    and everyone interested in understanding open collaboration and how
    it is changing our society.
    This year’s conference will be held in Paris, France on August
    22-24, 2018.  A Doctoral Symposium will take place on August 21, 2018.
    OpenSym is held in-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB and ACM SIGSOFT and
    the conference proceedings will be archived in the ACM digital
    library like all prior editions.

    Submission Information and Instructions
    Topics: The conference provides peer-reviewed research tracks on
    subjects related to open collaboration including:
    - Open Collaboration Research, esp. Wikis and Social Media
    - Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
    - Open Data, Open Access, and Open Science
    - Open Education
    - IT-Driven Open Innovation
    - Open Policy/Open Government/Open Law
    - Wikipedia and Wikimedia Research
    Paper Presentation: OpenSym 2018 will be organized as a one track
    conference in order to emphasize the interdisciplinary character of
    this conference and to encourage discussion.
    Submission Deadline: The research paper submission deadline is March
    15th 2018. Submitted papers should present integrative reviews or
    original reports of substantive new work: theoretical, empirical,
    and/or in the design, development and/or deployment of novel
    concepts, systems, and mechanisms. Research papers will be reviewed
    to meet rigorous academic standards of publication. Papers will be
    reviewed for relevance, conceptual quality, innovation and clarity
    of presentation.
    All the submissions are done via the EasyChair platform, here:
    Paper Length: There is no minimum or maximum length for submitted
    papers. Rather, reviewers will be instructed to weigh the
    contribution of a paper relative to its length. Papers should report
    research thoroughly but succinctly: brevity is a virtue. A typical
    length of a “long research paper” is 10 pages (formerly the maximum
    length limit and the limit on OpenSym tracks), but may be shorter if
    the contribution can be described and supported in fewer
    pages—shorter, more focused papers (called “short research papers”
    previously) are encouraged and will be reviewed like any other
    paper. While we will review papers longer than 10 pages, the
    contribution must warrant the extra length. Reviewers will be
    instructed to reject papers whose length is incommensurate with the
    size of their contribution. Papers should be formatted in ACM SIGCHI
    paper format. Reviewing is not double-blind so manuscripts do not
    need to be anonymized.
    Posters: As in previous years, OpenSym will also be hosting a poster
    session at the conference. To propose a poster, authors should
    submit an extended abstract (not more than 4 pages) describing the
    content of the poster which will be published in a non-archival
    companion proceedings to the conference. Posters should use the ACM
    SIGCHI templates for extended abstracts. An example of a poster
    abstract can be found here. Reviewing is not double-blind so
    abstracts do not need to be anonymized.
    Paper Proceedings: OpenSym is held in-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB
    and ACM SIGSOFT and the conference proceedings will be archived in
    the ACM digital library like all prior editions. OpenSym seeks to
    accommodate the needs of the different research disciplines it draws
    on including disciplines with archival conference proceedings and
    disciplines where authors usually present at conferences and publish
    later. Authors, whose submitted papers have been accepted for
    presentation at the conference have a choice of:
    having their paper become part of the official proceedings, archived
    in the ACM Digital Library,
    having their paper published in the conference website only, with no
    transfer of copyright from the authors,
    having no publication record at all but only the presentation at the
    Response from authors: For the second time at OpenSym, authors will
    be given the opportunity to write a response to their reviews before
    final decisions are made. This should be treated as an opportunity
    to correct any mistakes or misconceptions in the reviews as well as
    to propose minor changes that the authors can make during the two
    weeks between notification and the camera-ready deadline.
    Important Dates
         Submission deadline: March 15, 2018
         Reviews sent to authors: May 11, 2018
         Response to reviews from authors due: May 20, 2018
         Final decision notification: June 15, 2018
         Camera-ready papers due: June 22, 2018
         Papers available online: July 13, 2018
    Conference Organization
    The general chairs of the conference are Nicolas Jullien and Olivier
    Berger, IMT, France. Feel free to contact us with any questions you
    might have at i...@opensym.org <mailto:i...@opensym.org>.

-- Maître de Conférences (HDR) / Associate Professor.

    Directeur de M@rsouin http://www.marsouin.org
    Membre du LEGO http://labo-lego.fr

    Responsable du M2 management innovation
    parcours Mgt du SI et des données @ischool IMT Atlantique

-- Maître de Conférences (HDR) / Associate Professor.

    Directeur de M@rsouin http://www.marsouin.org
    Membre du LEGO http://labo-lego.fr

    Responsable du M2 management innovation
    parcours Mgt du SI et des données @ischool IMT Atlantique

    Wiki-research-l mailing list

Maître de Conférences (HDR) / Associate Professor.

Directeur de M@rsouin http://www.marsouin.org
Membre du LEGO http://labo-lego.fr

Responsable du M2 management innovation
parcours Mgt du SI et des données @ischool IMT Atlantique

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