Summary: Should be possible to customize the search profiles.
           Product: MediaWiki
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: Normal
         Component: Search

It would be nice if the namespaces available to be searched could be customised
easily, either by the server-folk or the wiki's Sysops.

I envisage a $wgSearchNamespaces to deprecate $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault
and $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedHelp in favour of a more flexible configuration

(A Wiktionarian suggested that they'd like:

$wgSearchNamespaces = array(
    'dictionary' => array( NS_MAIN ), 
    'thesaurus'  => array( 110 ),
    'appendices' => array( 100, 102, 106 ),
    'help-project' => array( NS_HELP, NS_PROJECT ),
    'everything' => SEARCH_ALL,
    'custom'     => SEARCH_CUSTOM

Obviously, being able to remove the Multimedia option is useful for any site
that uses commons for all its media; and adding options is beneficial for any
site with custom namespaces)

An alternative would be a set-up like [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] where the message
can be read and parsed (and cached!) - would require less precious sysadmin

This might be possible using an extension to Hook into 'SpecialSearchProfiles',
but it would be cleaner to fix SpecialSearch::getSearchProfiles() directly
(particularly for a configuration variable).

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