--- Comment #4 from Rob Lanphier <> 2010-09-27 05:50:17 UTC 
Re: my modulo idea; that was borne of my ignorance+forgetfulness of how our
caching works.  I'm not sure exactly how things are configured, but since tghe
parser cache uses memcached (right?), and memcached already uses LRU and maybe
even expiration times to dump things out of the cache, there's probably not the
need for additional complexity in the app.  

Re: steps taken.  The FlaggedRevs extension adds extra bits to the history, and
some extra UI to diff pages.  One typical review flow involves:
1.  Go to the list of pages with pending changes (Special:OldReviewedPages)
2.  Click "review" on one of the pages.  This action actually has the same
effect as requesting a diff between the latest accepted revision, and the
latest revision
3.  Either "accept" the revision, or (in the next version), "reject" it

Any diff page is actually a potential review page under Pending Changes.

Full details here:

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