Summary: We should support XML-valid delimiters for query
                    string parameters
           Product: Wikimedia
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: Normal
         Component: General/Unknown

I some situations, especially related to forms constructed in wikitext, or in
strict XHTML markup, it is necessary to use escaped ampersands or semicolons to
delimit query string parameters. (See for more info on
this.) Currently the Wikimedia servers only accept non-escaped ampersands as
delimiters for query string parameters. 

Two possible solutions to this are:

1. In our php.ini files, set arg_separator.input = ";&". This will allow people
to use either ampersands or semicolons as delimiters for query string
parameters (as recommended by the w3c).

2. Replace line 50 of WebRequest.php with:

$requestPairs = $_POST + $_GET;
// Accomodate escaped ampersands as query string delimiters
foreach ( $requestPairs as $key => $val) {
    if ( strncmp( $key, 'amp;', 4 ) === 0 ) {
        $goodKey = substr( $key, 4 );
    } else {
        $goodKey = $key;
    $this->data[$goodKey] = $val;

This will allow use of query string parameters separated by escaped ampersands.

The impetus for this bug is a problem in the DonationInterface extension
related to forms that live in wikitext (thus forcing ampersands to be escaped).
There are several workarounds available, but I thought I would propose a deeper
solution to see what people thought.

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