Summary: mwEmbed menu flickers on Safari
           Product: mwEmbed
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: Macintosh
        OS/Version: Mac OS X 10.6
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: Normal
         Component: Video player

For some reason the menu causes the video to "flicker" on Safari Mac. It seems
as if the video and the menu are racing for the highest z-index while you
scroll the menu. You can see this on the elephants dream movie by going into
the "Languages" menu of CC or by going to the download menu. The video has to
be playing for the effect to be visible. The effect does not present on
Firefox, Chrome for Mac crashes for me on mwEmbedplayer, possibly because
<video> support on Chrome for Mac is unfinished.

First I thought this was a bug in webkit, or in the ogg/video module, but I
created a testcase with a scrollable element on top of a video element, and it
worked just fine. Thus it has to be something more specific to the dom/css/JS
events of the mwEmbed player.

Possible causes, mouse events triggering a function that does something
undesireable, broken z-index values.

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