Matthias_Geisler_WMDE added a comment.

  > Example 1:
  > The Termbox cancel button has different hover behavior and click/active 
styles than a frameless, icon only ButtonWidget
  >   Termbox cancel button:
  >    OOUI frameless, icon-only ButtonWidget:
  True (this count for Example2 as well) and therefore is a patch 
which I mentioned above, because the original EventEmittingButton is wrong here 
in general. He should be stick to the OOUI schema there.
  > Example 3:
  > The Termbox publish button uses a different icon than from what is 
available in OOUI
  >  Termbox publish button:
  >  OOUI Icons:
  Publish is actually the special case, since it was just invented for Termbox. 
I ask already @Charlie_WMDE about that. But I do not see this in our 
department, what to do with it. I think the decision is here is done by UX.
  > 2. Termbox uses links as buttons in order to be able to create a Link in 
SSR which is then overloaded by client-side js.
  > The understanding I got from conversation was that there is a single 
instance where that functionality was used.
  > But apparently these buttons are also used as true links (i.e. regardless 
of SSR) in the AnonEditWarning
  Indeed, it is a link and according to OOUI it should be. And as I mentioned 
earlier, I have no problem if it stays as `<a>`
  > Conclusion
  > Based especially on reason 1, I think we should not try to replace all 
buttons in Termbox with a shared one, because that would require us to 
integrate two styles for the same conceptual button into one component.
  > Also, in order to keep the component simple we should not switch between 
two so conceptually different HTML tags as <button> and <a> but use one 
  > Since we will apparently not get around using these "buttons" as links, it 
makes most sense to use <a> tags for this component and to look to OOUI for how 
to make "buttons" with them that are still accessible.
  > Further we should focus on what is needed for the current story, that is 
the publish button, i.e. primary progressive button.
  I do not see a good argument to split this component on a tag level from 
Termbox or OOUI (aka `button` vs `a`), even if we can have a context aware 
variant of it( aka `button` and `a`). If this context awareness is not wished I 
would like more to stay close then to OOUI and Termbox (where if I see it 
correctly, agree?). This whole was more playing your direction of have a 
'better' semantic button.
  I do not get the point to reimplement stylessheets, which are already there. 
Especially not when the new ones have a different behavior then those of OOUI 
(please see code review of for 
that). Another we have now to take into account is also, that actually  we can 
have all basic button types, which may aids UX. That does mean in my eyes, a 
vote of UX( aka @Charlie_WMDE) here is highly needed.
  I agree that should focus to get it done.
  I still have my problems , 
which I mentioned on Monday in that mail to you as well as now the specific 
code review. To repeat the biggest tow concerns here again:
  - it's not based on the original EventEmittingButton, which makes things much 
harder to track iff there any changes
  - got rid of styles, which are not primary and progressive and the publish 
button, which makes a reuse by other project practically impossible
  Also: I still not exactly understand your problems to permute over the styles 
in a very similar way like OOUI. Intentionally I was also ment to play in your 
wish to align more with OOUI. The side effect of is this, that to implement a 
fully new button takes very short amount of time. (for example when 
@Charlie_WMDE ask me for the trash button it tooks me maybe 5 minutes, to have 
all done)



To: Matthias_Geisler_WMDE
Cc: Charlie_WMDE, Jakob_WMDE, Michael, Aklapper, Pablo-WMDE, Hook696, 
Daryl-TTMG, RomaAmorRoma, 0010318400, E.S.A-Sheild, darthmon_wmde, joker88john, 
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