Physikerwelt added a comment.

In, @daniel wrote:

> This is tricky... MathML is by far easier to re-use by third parties, and in 
> general a saner format for storing formula. But we don't have any facilities 
> for rendering it server side for clients that don't support it well enough.
> For TeX syntax, we have a tried-and-true rendering backend that can render to 
> PNG and MathML (and perhaps SVG in the future). This would make it a lot 
> easier to implement formula display, but we would be stuck with TeX for the 
> internal representation.
> With regards to editing, there is another trade-off: TeX formula are a lot 
> easier to edit by hand, but MathML is easier to handle by third party editors.
> Ideally, we would be able to convert between MathML and TeX on the fly. For 
> simple things, that should work fine, but...

Mathoid can display both, TeX and MathML input. You can open in a MathML disabled browser. Or click on any 
equation to see the difference in rendering. There are some editing tools for 
presentation MathML. But this does not really improves upon using tex that is 
very familiar to most authors.
The intersting part is content MathML, that allows to describe the structure of 
an equation independent of its visual representation. However a content MathML 
editor is something that needs to be build. In additinon there the MathML 
content directories are not yet capable of covering full semantic formula 
information and would have to be extended... So all in all a lot of work that 
has to be done manually.

While there is a big room for future developments, I'd start pragmatic and just 
store the tex string. If you need help to display a rendered representation 
with the Math extension I can help you with that... but it should not be hard 
and there are some examples in the MathSearch extension.
See also


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