Manuel added a comment.

  Thank you, Michael! I found some minor things during testing.
  Visible in the user tests:
  - The linked URL is still the old one. :)
  Not visible in the user tests:
  > on some special pages, like Special:NewItem, in the language selector it is 
displayed as "default values (mul) (mul)"
  This would not be an issue for the first release, imho, and definitely not an 
issue for testing, thank you for pointing it out though!
  There was another strange thing that I noticed: If I am not logged in, I 
still see the "multiple languages" string:
  F41542746: image.png <>
  Purging the cache didn't help. When I log in, it works, when I log out again, 
it's back to "multiple languages".



To: Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, Manuel
Cc: Michael, Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, Epidosis, Amire80, Mahir256, Nikki, 
Lydia_Pintscher, Sarai-WMDE, ItamarWMDE, Aklapper, Manuel, 
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