Jc3s5h added a comment.

In https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T94539#1298550, @daniel wrote:

> @Smalyshev is it correct to say that at the moment, Julian dates are 
> converted to XSD 1.1 dates, but Gregorian dates stay XSD 1.0 in our output? I 
> think we should have an option for switching the XSD version of the output, 
> defaulting to 1.1.

Obviously I'm not Smalyshev, but the only distinction discussed among these 
related Phabricator tasks is XSD 1.0 representing 1 BCE as -1000 while XSD 1.1 
represents it as 0000. It would be helpful if someone would post links to the 
exact specifications for XSD 1.0 and 1.1 they are thinking of, but from what I 
found, XSD follows the Gregorian calendar because their notation is inspired by 
ISO 8601.

Leaving ISO 8601 and its spawn aside, I am not aware of any consistent 
notational differences between the (possibly proleptic) Julian calendar and 
Gregorian calendar, other than the leap days that only occur in the Julian. If 
a date stored in Wikidata and the calendarmodel field were set to Julian, I 
can't imagine any difference in output format one might want to make compared 
to the calendarmodel field being set to Gregorian.

An aside, just in case anyone decides to read a book I mentioned earlier, 
Dershowitz and Reingold's //Calendrical Calculations//. That book use the 
convention that Julian 1 BCE is -1 while Gregorian 1 BCE is 0. This is the only 
written work I have ever seen that follows this convention.



To: Jc3s5h
Cc: daniel, Jc3s5h, JanZerebecki, Manybubbles, Thompsonbry.systap, Haasepeter, 
Beebs.systap, Aklapper, Smalyshev, jkroll, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude

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