RobLa-WMF added a subscriber: RobLa-WMF.
RobLa-WMF added a comment.

@ottomata: I don't know all of the details, but I think the ID idea is a good 
one.  One //possible hitch//: according to the W3C, URIs are supposed to be 
opaque <>.  If you're using it as an 
identifier, then it's a layer violation to //also// require the server to 
provide data to the client via the URI.

I haven't studied your proposal closely enough to know if there's really a 
problem here, and if there is, if it's worth avoiding.  There's no sense in 
overcomplicating things to satisfy some W3C orthodoxy here, but I know that 
there are //some// cases where URI parsing causes tighter coupling than 
necessary, so I figured I'd comment.



To: mobrovac, RobLa-WMF
Cc: RobLa-WMF, Nuria, gerritbot, intracer, EBernhardson, Smalyshev, yuvipanda, 
Hardikj, daniel, aaron, GWicke, mobrovac, MZMcBride, bd808, JanZerebecki, 
Halfak, Krenair, brion, chasemp, Eevans, mmodell, Ottomata, Matanya, Aklapper, 
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