Nikki added a comment.

There was widespread use of ±0 by the community because, until recently, it was the only way to make it work the way people expected it to, which was to display just the value that they were trying to enter without doing anything weird to it. There were even bots which changed ±1 values to ±0 to remove the unwanted uncertainties. The majority of statements which now say ±0 really mean that we did not want to enter an uncertainty. (You might think people were wrong to do that, but that's what happens when it doesn't work the way users expect.)

I think it would be a mistake to use scientific notation without taking the property into account. Scientific notation is largely restricted to scientific contexts and is not universally understood. The quantity datatype has to be used for all quantities and any quantity can be given to a certain precision.



To: Nikki
Cc: Pamputt, Nikki, PokestarFan, Smalyshev, thiemowmde, Physikerwelt, hoo, daniel, Lydia_Pintscher, Aklapper, StudiesWorld, ArthurPSmith, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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