Obviously, you all expect me to agree with Martynas, in view of my job, and I 
do:-). But I do not only because I work for W3C, but I indeed genuinely believe 
that reinventing things here may be way too costly on long term...

Note also that W3C may start a new group later this year that would look at a 
'lower' level HTTP protocol to manage (read and write) RDF data without 
necessarily using SPARQL. This may be useful for the project as well.


On Mar 28, 2012, at 18:02 , Martynas Jusevicius wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've been reading some of the technical notes on Wikidata, for example
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata/Notes/Data_model
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Nikola_Smolenski/Wikidata#Query_language
> Statements like "[data model] similar to RDF, but allows qualified
> property values" and "should there be a query language that will
> enable querying of the data?" concern me a great deal regarding the
> future of the whole Wikidata project.
> It seems to me that whoever is making these technical decisions does
> not fully realize the price of reinventing the bike -- or in this
> situation, reinventing data models/formats/standards. Having designed
> and implemented production-grade applications both on RDBMSs, XML, and
> RDF, I strogly suggest you should base Wikidata on standard RDF.
> I know some/most of you are coming from the wiki background which
> might be hard to get over with, but if Wikidata is to become a free
> and open knowledge base on the (Semantic) Web, then RDF is the free
> and open industry standard for that. Whatever little advantage you
> would get from developing a custom non-standard data model, think how
> many man-years of standardization and tool development you would
> loose. Isn't knowledge about standing on the shoulders of giants? RDF
> has all the specifications, a variety of tools, and DBPedia as a very
> solid proof-of-concept (which I also think should be better integrated
> with this project) necessary to build Wikidata.
> With SPARQL Update, full read/write RDF roundtrip is possible (and
> works in practice). It also makes the notion of API rather obsolete,
> since SPARQL Update (and related mechanisms) is the only generic
> API-method one has to deal with.
> To round up -- I think failure to realize the potential of RDF for
> Wikidata would be a huge waste of resources for this project,
> Wikipedia, and the general public.
> Martynas
> graphity.org
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Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
Home: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/
mobile: +31-641044153
FOAF: http://www.ivan-herman.net/foaf.rdf

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