Klein,Max, 11/11/2013 21:22:
I just went back into the email Archives and a discussion started on
6/14/2013 by Google Developer Relations person Shawn Simister[1] first
proposed this property. There is large thread there about licensing,
ending with Micru having an unanswered question to Shawn about how
Freebase can manage its license since it mixes CC-0 and CC-BY?

License nitpicking is good of course,

Off-topic: this thread is from before Denny announced that he was going
to Google, I believe, is that correct? Whatever happens with licensing,
and regarding Wikidata's CC0, I hope that it wasn't engineered so that
Google could profit from Wikidata. I concede that this thought is mostly
from paranoia, and disagreeing with a lot of Google's politics and
tactics in the past.

but I disagree that we should speculate about people's intention when they contribute valid information, especially to a data project like Wikidata which mostly contains "facts" (!= truth, sure) and obviously needs to be maintained by something more than just the usual suspect (the same overworked Wikipedians).


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