> Wikibase, the software created for the Wikidata project, now has it's own
> website. http://wikiba.se/
> Among the goals of the website are promoting third party usage and outlining
> the various components and applications that make up the Wikibase software.
> It is not meant to hold the per component documentation, such as installation
> instructions for the Wikibase Repository extension, which remain where they
> are, and simply are referenced where applicable.
> It's still a work in progress, and you are invited to edit the site, by
> sending a pull request.

It's not a wiki. :(  It looks really nice though and I'm glad that you can still
edit it with pull requests through Github.  Site looks great!

Am I understanding you correctly in thinking that this site essentially serves
as a promotional tool to encourage people to learn about Wikibase and what it

Thank you,
Derric Atzrott

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