What about bus stops?


2015-03-10 15:37 GMT+01:00 aude <aude.w...@gmail.com>:

> On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Amir E. Aharoni <
> amir.ahar...@mail.huji.ac.il> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> [ Aude and Christian Consonni, this should especially interest you. ]
>> I was throwing around ideas with a friend about how OpenStreetMap could
>> be integrated with Wikidata.
>> The thing that I care the most in any software is internationalization.
>> Having a map in which all labels of towns, streets and everything else is
>> translated to all languages sounds like a super-wonderful thing.
>> Wikidata allows labeling everything, translating everything, and
>> attaching properties to everything, so it sounds like it could be a good
>> match.
>> But then the question of "what IS everything" came up. Wikidata was
>> created mostly with Wikipedia in mind, so Wikipedia's notability policies
>> influenced Wikidata. Roughly, Wikidata has items for every thing about
>> which there is, or can be, a Wikipedia article and for things that are
>> useful, or if it "fulfills some structural need
>> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Notability>".
>> Towns obviously have or can a Wikipedia article about them, but probably
>> not every street or shop.
> At minimum, supporting Wikivoyage is within scope of Wikidata, so imho
> items for shops would be ok. (at least the ones that would be used in
> Wikivoyage)
> I am not sure about streets... maybe, it depends and is up to the
> community (what extent we want them) and scalability (technical and
> community) might be considerations.  As well, in Wikidata, we want
> references.
> For the OSM use case, for streets, I think the osm name tags are
> sufficient. Transliteration of street names definitely makes sense, but
> maybe can be autogenerated?
> In some cases multilingual (e.g. in Brussels), actual translations might
> be desired, and think osm supports that adequately.
> Katie
>> But do they fulfill a structural need or is it way too much?
>> If it's way too much, how can this be bridged, or federated, or whatever
>> the current popular word is? I don't even know exactly how does OSM store
>> labels and translations now, but it sounds like another instance of
>> Wikibase, if not Wikidata itself, can be used for it.
>> I don't have much to add, but I'd love to hear ideas from people who do
>> (again, Aude and Christian Consonni, I'm looking at you :) ).
>> --
>> Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
>> http://aharoni.wordpress.com
>> ‪“We're living in pieces,
>> I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore‬
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