Really impressive!

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 6:09 PM Markus Kroetzsch <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Thanks to the people at the Center of Semantic Web Research in Chile
> [1], we have a very first public SPARQL endpoint for Wikidata running.
> This is very preliminary, so do not rely on it in applications and
> expect things to fail, but you may still enjoy some things.
> The endpoint has all the data from our current RDF exports in one big
> database [2]. Below this email are some example queries to get you
> started (this is a bit of a learning-by-doing crash course in SPARQL
> too, but you may want to consult a tutorial if you don't know it ;-).
> There are some known bugs in the RDF that we will hopefully fix soon
> [3]. Also, the service uses a dump that is already a few weeks old now.
> We are more interested in testing functions right now before going
> production. Also, this is a raw API interface, not a proposal for a nice
> UI.
> Feedback (and other interesting queries) are welcome :-)
> Cheers,
> Markus
> [1] -- a joint team from University of Chile and
> Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
> [2]
> [3]
> 3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22RDF+export%22
> ==Lighthouses (Q39715) with their English label (LIMIT 100 for demo)==
> PREFIX : <>
>   ?lighthouse a :Q39715 .
>   ?lighthouse rdfs:label ?label FILTER(LANG(?label) = "en")
> } LIMIT 100
> (Just paste the query into the box at
> The actual query condition is in the WHERE {...} part. Things starting
> with ? are variables. Basic conditions take the form of triples:
> "subject property value". For example, "?lighthouse a :Q39715" looks for
> things that are a lighthouse ("a" is short for "rdf:type" which we use
> to encode P31 statements without qualifiers). The dot "." is used as a
> separator between triples.
> Note that the label output is a bit cumbersome because you want to
> filter by language (without the FILTER you get all labels in all
> languages). A future UI would better fetch the labels after the query,
> similar to WDQ, to get smaller & faster queries.
> ==People born in the same place that they died in==
> PREFIX : <>
> SELECT ?person ?personname ?placename
>   ?person a :Q5 .
>   ?person :P19c ?place .
>   ?person :P20c ?place .
>   ?person rdfs:label ?personname FILTER(LANG(?personname) = "en") .
>   ?place rdfs:label ?placename FILTER(LANG(?placename) = "en")
> }  LIMIT 100
> Here we use a few actual Wikidata properties. Properties in their simple
> form (Entity->Value) use ids with a "c" in the end, like :P19c here.
> Only qualifier-free statements will be available in this form right now.
> Note that we use the variable ?place in two places as a value. This is
> how we query for things that have the same place in both cases.
> ==People who have Wikipedia (Q52) accounts==
> PREFIX : <>
> SELECT ?person ?personname ?username
>    ?person :P553s ?statement .
>    ?statement :P553v :Q52 .
>    ?statement :P554q ?username .
>    ?person rdfs:label ?personname FILTER(LANG(?personname) = "en") .
> } LIMIT 100
> This query needs to access qualifiers of a statement for "website
> account on" (P553). To do this in RDF (and SPARQL), we access the
> statement object instead of using simple property :P553c (which would
> only give us the value). The statement is found through an "...s"
> property; its value is found through a "...v" property; its qualifiers
> are found through "...q" properties. Check out the graph in our paper to
> get the picture
> (
> There you can also find how references are accessed.
> ==Currently existing countries==
> PREFIX : <>
> SELECT ?country ?countryName
>    ?country :P31s ?statement .
>    ?statement :P31v :Q3624078 .
>       FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?statement :P582q ?endDate }
>    ?country rdfs:label ?countryName FILTER(lang(?countryName)="en")
> }
> Similar pattern as with the Wikipedia accounts, but now we check that a
> certain qualifier (end time) does not exist. You could also find
> currently married people in this way, etc.
> ==Descendants of Queen Victoria (Q9439) ==
> PREFIX : <>
>   :Q9439 ((^:P25c|^:P22c)+) ?person .
>   ?person rdfs:label ?label
>   FILTER(LANG(?label) = "en")
> } LIMIT 1000
> Here, ((^:P25c|^:P22c)+) is a regular expression; ^ is for changing the
> direction of a property (has mother -> mother of ...); | is for "or", +
> is for one or more repetitions.
> ==Currently existing countries, ordered by the number of their current
> neighbours==
> PREFIX : <>
> SELECT ?countryName (COUNT (DISTINCT ?neighbour) AS ?neighbours)
>    ?country :P31s ?statement .
>    ?statement :P31v :Q3624078 .
>       FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?statement :P582q ?endDate }
>    ?country rdfs:label ?countryName FILTER(lang(?countryName)="en")
>    OPTIONAL { ?country (:P47s/:P47v) ?neighbour .
>               ?neighbour :P31s ?statement2 .
>               ?statement2 :P31v :Q3624078 .
>               FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?statement2 :P582q ?endDate2 }
>    }
> } ORDER BY DESC(?neighbours)
> Just to give an example of a slightly more complex query ;-) Note how we
> use the expression (:P47s/:P47v) rather than :P47c to access the value
> of potentially qualified statements here (since qualified statements are
> currently not converted to direct :P47c statements).
> --
> Markus Kroetzsch
> Faculty of Computer Science
> Technische Universität Dresden
> +49 351 463 38486
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