Stas: could you please have a look?


On Oct 28, 2016 19:06, "Eric Scott" <> wrote:

> Hi all -
> We've been using a locally installed wikidata stand-alone service (
> Manual#Standalone_service) for several months now. Recently the service
> went down for a significant amount of time, and when we ran -n
> wdq, instead of catching up to real time as it usually does, the update
> process lagged, failing even to keep parity with real time.
> Example output from the log:
> 09:30:39.805 [main] INFO  org.wikidata.query.rdf.tool.Update - Polled up
> to 2016-10-24T23:01:05Z at (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) updates per second and (271.8,
> 56.2, 18.8) milliseconds per second
> This is normal when starting the update of course, but the system never
> seems to find its feet, and continues to stumble and lag. Restarting both
> the blazegraph process and the update process has no lasting effect.
> From time to time, a message like this will appear:
> INFO org.wikidata.query.rdf.tool.RdfRepository - HTTP request failed:
> org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException:
> failed to respond, retrying in 2175 ms.
> I have experienced this effect in the past, and had success replacing an
> old journal which was the product of a long update process with a new
> journal rebuilt  from the latest dump. This strategy did not work. I tried
> rebuilding with the latest git pull from origin and rebuilding the journal,
> again with no effect.
> This problem started about 3 days ago, and we're now polling up to a point
> in time 18 hours earlier than real time.
> I would appreciate any guidance.
> Also: is this an appropriate list to write to with such problems? Are
> there more appropriate places?
> Thanks,
> Eric Scott
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