On 01.05.2016 01:34, Jan Macura wrote:
Hi all

I've been using the <http://wikidata.org/ontology#> namespace for
datatype properties for some time (more than a year).
Now I can see everywhere only the <http://wikiba.se/ontology#> ns.
Was there some reason for change? Are these two somehow compatible? Will
the first one be deprecated?

Hi Jan,

We have revised the OWL/RDF encoding as part of the work on the SPARQL query service, and the URIs have been changed in the process. Many of the same terms can still be found under the new namespace. The new namespace reflects that the ontology is the same for any site using this software, not just Wikidata.

There have also been further modifications in the RDF export, e.g., in relation to how certain values are encoded (e.g., geo coordinates use WKT in Wikidata, but used a custom type with planet in our initial RDF dumps). Another major extension was that simplified data values (encoded as single resources) are now available on every level -- statement, qualifier, reference -- and some new properties had to be introduced for this. Finally, there are also some changes in the URIs used for various RDF properties. All in all, the basic encoding (with statements, references, and complex values represented by own RDF resources) is the same, but the syntactic details changed quite a bit between our original ISWC publication and the launch of the SPARQL service.



Markus Kroetzsch
Faculty of Computer Science
Technische Universität Dresden
+49 351 463 38486

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