If you have an external identifier you often can find the record you want

 Worldcat can use the lccn property

See http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n79005597/
That is Wikidata Q7724<https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7724> that has property
P244 lcauth

If you check VIAF you see The Wikidata record https://viaf.org/viaf/54154627/ 
and also Lccn 79005597

You can also use the Lccn number and find the Wikidata record

Hope it make sense.... its loosely coupled system and then it maybe is not the 
best structure.....

Magnus Sälgö
Stockholm, Sweden

6 mars 2018 kl. 18:15 skrev Ettore RIZZA 

Dear all,

I asked myself a series of questions about the links between Wikidata and other 
knowledge/data bases, namely those of OCLC and DBpedia. For example:

- Why Wikidata has no property "Worldcat 
 while the English edition of Wikipedia systematically mentions this identity 
(when it exists) in its section "Autorithy control"  ?

- Why do VIAF links to all editions of Wikipedia, but not (simply) to Wikidata ?

- Why is there no link to DBpedia when the opposite is true ?

These questions may seem very different from each other, but they ultimately 
concern a common subject and are all very basic. I suspect they had to be 
discussed somewhere, maybe at the dawn of Wikidata. However, I find nothing in 
the archives of this Newsletter, nor in the discussions on Wikidata.

Could someone point me to some documentation on these issues ?


Ettore Rizza
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