PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
DESCRIPTION:Eric said:<br>"lining up with decisions that have been made."<b
 r><br>like a red rag to a bull\, but I better check what you actually mean 
 by that Eric? It sounds like "accept what you are given"\, is that what you
  mean?<br><br>I keep seeing new features added without anyone in this email
  list requesting them\, while there have been plenty of requests and sugges
 tions made to this email list and they seem to largely go ignored\, or get 
 lost with obscure largely non progressive responses. I would even say defen
 sive - which is not a good sign at all!<br><br>Many of the features Wayne a
 nd you have introduced are pretty good though\, but it is a concern that th
 ey are introduced without any evident consultation with the "community" whi
 le the "community" requests seem to go by without even a trial! Yes\, I con
 sider myself in that community...<br><br>Brent is the only person who has r
 eplied to my concerns about the RSS problem. He has replied twice with prac
 tical suggestions. One was to contact the extension author and see if he ca
 n fix it. I did\, and no reply from the author. The next response from Bren
 t was for the administrator to update the RSS extension and see if that fix
 es the problem. This strikes me as a reasonably simple step (compared to LT
  and Kaltura efforts)\, but as yet the suggestion has had no response from 
 an administrator\, but a surprise release of Kaltura did get announced... I
  think action on the RSS issue is over due.<br><br>I have pushed the RSS up
 date request to the point of nagging\, but no response or action from the a
 dministrator leads to second guessing!<br><br>I too hope this community (or
  I) do not begin second guessing WE\, as a hell of a lot has been invested 
 in it this end. But I'm getting a strong sense of "take what you are given"
 \, and a centralised administration with an agenda that is neither document
 ed or discussed in this forum.<br><br>A working RSS is an essential feature
  in this day and age. At least as important as the primary features of the 
 MediaWiki as it is out of the box. But I'm nagging again. I hate having to 
 nag\, but some response that shows consideration made to the suggestions ma
 de by Brent would be great. Or perhaps administration powers shared for the
  purpose of fixing this problem. Or\, some constructive response!<br><br>So
 rry if it seems that I am escalating this\, its just that I am alarmed by y
 our last message Eric\,<br><br>Regards\,<br>Leigh<br><br><div class="gmail_
 quote">On Jan 11\, 2008 2:56 PM\, Erik Moeller &lt\;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt\
 ; wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid r
 gb(204\, 204\, 204)\; margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex\; padding-left: 1ex\;"><div
  class="Ih2E3d"><br>On 1/10/08\, Leigh Blackall &lt\;<a href="mailto:leighb
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>&gt\; wrote:<br>&gt\; It was 
 clashing with Liquid Threads right? Given the enthusiasm for Kaltura<br>&gt
 \; and the underenthusiasm for LT\, perhaps we could have Kaltura back on\,
  and<br>&gt\; LT off?<br><br></div>Mhh\, part of working together as a team
  is lining up with decisions<br>that have been made. I really hope WikEd wo
 n't develop a culture of<br>constant second-guessing - I've seen more than 
 enough of that in<br>Wikipedia. :-)<br><br>BTW\, some of the issues we've s
 een with LQT (such as "&amp\;" in titles not<br>working) are general MW/Apa
 che issues\, not specific to LQT.<br><font color="#888888">--<br>Erik Mölle
 r<br></font><div><div></div><div class="Wj3C7c"><br>--~--~---------~--~----
 ~------<wbr>------~-------~--~----~<br>You received this message because yo
 u are subscribed to the Google Groups "WikiEducator" group.<br>To post to t
 his group\, send email to <a href="">wi
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 ail to <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">wikieduca
 tor-unsubscribe<wbr></a><br>For more options\, visit this 
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 </blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>--<br>Leigh Blackall<br>+
 64(0)21736539<br>skype - leigh_blackall<br>SL - Leroy Goalpost<br>http://le\n\nView your event at

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