Holy sh!t SFJ, you are ruthless! Just read through the forum, am liking your
angle very much. But its demanding dialogue.. I have 5 minutes spare between
now and another meeting, report to write, and marking to do.. (do you hear
the little violin just for me?) Can I check the main thrust of your
statements?.. it was in that forum, pointing to the numbers that the WMF
pull in, and the top 10 Google results.. That's exactly what I'm trying to
make fly down here.. we (waste in my opinion) so many millions
(collectively) 100's of 1000's institutionally on projects that only do less
than 1/1000th of what WMF and other utility scale initiative are doing. And
I would have to disagree with Peter Keyse when he says that OpenLearn buz
"it won't happen spontaneously".. why not? The biggest things on the
Internet seem to have been very spontaneous compared to what we collectively
try to engineer in education.. if we engaged with those things we just might
find that spontaneity ready and waiting. Is that what you're trying to get
them to see?

We could be adding to the likes of Wikipedia, Youtube and Google results..
and extending on them.. instead, some of our lecturers actually physically
look the other way when I show them a Wikipedia entry on their topic of
expertise.. why is that? These people have PHDs, they should surely be able
to put aside academic snobbery and apply critical skills.. (I have to man
handle their heads to get them to look) a whole other story to get them to
edit. But some do and are! I will jump with joy when the first funding for
R&D is pinned to something like us and WMF projects or similar..

Can you call a Skypecast Beta (or Flashmeeting) to further this discussion?
I'm at a point where I want to hear it from you some more, reading it is a
little cryptic (which I like) but with my time flashing before my eyes, I'm
finding it hard to stop and think in this text world we exist on.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 8:41 AM, simonfj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mar 26, 6:44 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Great post Simon, I enjoy your wit :)
> Which Half?
> >
> > Maybe I should clarify what I say about "learning being free, education
> > still costs"
> >
> Hey, that's fine Leigh. We know what we're thinking.
> The thing I'm monitoring is the growth of the new (interactive) media
> industries. If academic institutions didn't have people like yourself
> and our playmates on this thread, then they're a bit left out. David's
> a pretty good example of what is happening. Taking a global
> perspective, you'd look at the inhabitants of the OpenCourseware
> Consortia.
> http://www.ocwconsortium.org/ocwcforum/viewtopic.php?t=158
> (They don't talk much)
> All of them beaver away in splendid (National) isolation. producing
> "me too" resources, which display a huge range of good and poor.
> Meanwhile (their inhabitants) we communicate on little (global)
> community hubs like this, preaching to the converted and comparing the
> silk purses which have been whipped up on a sow's ear's budget.
> Its only when you start to talk about Sustainability and "the next
> steps" where the new industries start to get noticed, primarily
> because they all seem to be based around (global) Communications. The
> emphasis on OER used to make a bit of sense. Now that there's so many
> OER, the real challenge seems to be helping people like David get
> together with his global peers and including students in the
> development of a constantly evolving (global) course. As you would
> (probably) say, "we are sharing a learning, not delivering an
> education". Regardless of the tool we might use - wiki, moodle, blog,
> etc - it's an understanding we are attempting to share.
> You might be interested in this conversation which has just started
> down at the Open Uni's OpenLearn initiative. They're an OpenCourseWare
> member (funded by HP for US$5m.) who are trying to figure out their
> next steps.
> http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=980
> My main interest here is much as yours is. (I've seen you play with
> the Skypecast beta). But getting the NREN engineers to configure their
> networks around a (global) Community hubs rather than (National)
> institutional ones means we're going to have to turn a few heads and
> change a few routines. Still, I know you've already changed yours. You
> do realize this makes you a multimedia personality don;t you? :) (Can
> I have your autograph?)
> >

Leigh Blackall
skype - leigh_blackall
SL - Leroy Goalpost

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