I am interested in using storytelling for mathematics. There are some
classic stories such as "Hotel Infinity" - but the goal would be for each
person to create his or her own story about a topic. Here is a (very loose)
summary of my plans, so far:

- Either another human, or some software has to get people going, as far as
math is concerned. The software can take the form of "interactive prompts"
for each topic, based on prior mathematics education research of that
topic's metaphors. For example, prompts for proportionality may have to do
with "uneven sharing" (like pirates and the captain), or with "body
proportions" (Vitruvian man vs. anime characters). The software will use a
domain specific language to generate, basically, a mini-game that will serve
as a story prompt, scaffolding the math parts but soliciting open picture
and situation input from each user.
- There should be all the usual social web support for sharing, commenting,
expanding, embedding, ranking, tagging and so on of the resulting "game and
story" objects.
- There should be some way to expand metaphor collections for each topic,
which will involve some basic programming - this can be implemented either
by inviting everybody to program, or by inviting people to  send suggestions
to a team of programmers

This is in the early research stages. I found people and software doing
vaguely similar things, but I have not started to write detailed component


I write, 'In the beginning was the Deed!' - Goethe, Faust

naturalmath.com: a sketch of a social math site
groups.google.com/group/naturalmath: a mailing list about math maker

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