Hi Valerie, try http://laptop.org/manual  

I am happy to reply to this thread as much as people wish!

David Leeming
OLPC Coordinator, SPC and Technical Advisor, People First Network
Honiara, Solomon Islands

-----Original Message-----
From: wikieducator@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of valerie
Sent: Tuesday, 2 December 2008 1:56 a.m.
To: WikiEducator
Subject: [WikiEducator] Re: One Laptop Per Child OLPC

When I first started looking into OLPCs, there was a one page guide
for people who had used other computers. It addressed lots of these
issues and explained work arounds or alternatives. It had a list of
"fun" activities that would help orient an experienced computer user
to XO behaviors.

By the time I got an XO, the page was gone - someone decided that this
was inappropriate. Apparently there were some mistakes or
misunderstandings that were contained in the document.  If you had an
XO you should stumble around and learn to love it.

Too bad. I think the OLPC folks would get more support by helping PC
users be successful and understand what trade offs have been made and
why as well as translating PC into XO. There are lots of us who would
like to be more positive, but the learning curve is just too steep
without some assistance. With all our PC baggage, it is hard to get to
a starting point to explore the real power and innovations. There are
so many great things the little green machine can do.

A mouse and a USB memory stick are invaluable for us differently-abled
computer users. I had to install Opera to get around the
authentication certificate issue to access Moodle on one of the
school's servers. I loved the bright, clear screen. It was a huge hit
going through security in airports. And it certainly made a fashion
statement, especially if there were little kids around.

If anyone has a copy of the OLPC guide for PC users, that would be a
great place to start. Making that correct and current would help


On Nov 30, 8:59 pm, "Jim Tittsler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 14:22, Leigh Blackall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > The next thing I noticed was the browser. At first glance it looks a
> > like Google's Chrome, but less than 3 clicks around you soon realise

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