Hi Maria

I had another thought. As I "learn" something by searching for, and
learning from web sites, I tag these and leave notes to myself in
Delicious. http://delicious.com

Over time I have built a learning path or sequence. If these are
"harvested" and combined with the work of others, there would be a
pretty powerful recommender network. Because there is a time stamp on
each tagged entry, there is also some directional information - the
material is more complex or detailed as time goes on, as I learn more
about the topic. There may be some back-tracking if I find I need more
background, but the relationships are still important.

http://delicious.com/byxbee <<-- me

For example - see my trail  for FOC08 or CKK08
These track my progress through these courses. Others also tagged
their finds for these courses. Some of the sites are common (and
"stronger") while some are unique to each participant.

There are lots of delicious provided scripts that can pull the
entries. For example
http://delicious.com/help/linkrolls - this dynamically generates a
slick little script for grabbing entries for a specific tag.

I hope this is clear enough to give you the idea. I'll try explaining
it better if this isn't clear.


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