Hi Derek

I think one significant "feature" of Connexions is the captured in the
quote you quoted
> open-source, online education system. It cuts out the
> textbook

Implicitly, the OERs a big - full courses, textbook replacements, open
textbooks. That's fine, and for many instructors and institutions this
is a huge benefit.

I started working with OERs in 2000 when the current thinking was "the
smaller, the better" - more flexibility, more opportunity for reuse
and customized collection and redistribution. Eventually, it became
clear that some OER adopters needed bigger, more complete lessons and
even whole courses - but not everyone.

Like buying a computers - some folks just want to purchase something
that works to enable/support what they want to do. Others want/need
various level of customization to make it "just right" and are
prepared to put in the time and money to get this.

The OER space covers a vast spectrum of creators and users
(instructors and learners). There is plenty of opportunity for
everyone to be successful. Finding your way around is somewhat
confusing as the tools are not well established, yet. Are you looking
for the plug-and-play version? Or are you prepared to shop around and
fiddle with the parts until it is just the way you want it?

This is why I think Maria's work is so interesting. They may be onto
providing some of the tools that will significantly improve locating
(and using) OERs. This is very exciting and greatly needed IMHO.

It's all here somewhere. Finding it is the first challenge. :o)


On Jan 2, 5:12 am, "Derek Chirnside" <derek.chirns...@gmail.com>
> Dabbling only in this discussion: at this stage.

> I quote:
> About this talk
> Rice University professor Richard Baraniuk explains the vision behind
> Connexions, his open-source, online education system. It cuts out the
> textbook, allowing teachers to share and modify course materials freely,
> anywhere in the world.
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