Hi Anil,

That's an excellent suggestion  -- OERF and WikiEducator is very supportive
of encouraging both National and regional training workshops and we've
started working in this direction. Obviously our capacity to support
national and regional training workshops is dependant our funding and the
generous donation of time from 1000s of educators around the world :-).

We have a solid foundation on which to build. Thus far OERF can committ to:

   - Supporting at least one online workshop for the next 2 years (With
   generous support from the Hewlett Foundation)
   - 2 online regional workshops (regions yet to be determined.)
   - Dedicated training for New Zealand teachers in building our natioanl
   OER commons for the school sector (with generous funding support from the
   New Zealand Ministry of Education).

I'm confindent that other Minstries of Education will follow New Zealand's
example.  Moreover, as more instutions sign up with the OERF as founding
members -- the wider our reach and impact in making difference through OER.

We will be launching a fund-raising drive (Oct / Nov 2009) for extending and
scaling-up our free training opportunities around the world.  WE should try
our best to provide free training in wiki skills for every educator in the


2009/8/31 aprasad <aplett...@gmail.com>

> Dear Dr. Wayne and other friends,
> I think that OERF requires a different strategy for future online L4C
> workshops. While we keep it open for all, we may also  give thrust to
> specific region in each workshop. The Facilitators would be bound to
> formally contact heads of a certain minimum numbers of academic institutions
> from that region to discuss the programme and to facilitate participation
> from such institutions. It may also be insisted that a certain number of
> active WikiEducators (Ambassadors) from such regions should Co-facilitate
> the online L4C to ensure fruitful communications as above.
> All the above measures are suggested to ensure that a good percentage of
> serious prospective contributors are inducted to the community after each
> workshop. This will also help us to bring in more institutional partners to
> Above suggestions are not comprehensive, and also hope they are not wild
> <smile>
> --
> Warm regards
> Anil Prasad

Wayne Mackintosh, Ph.D.
International Centre for Open Education,
Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
Board of Directors, OER Foundation.
Founder and Community Council Member, Wikieducator, www.wikieducator.org
Mobile +64 21 2436 380
Skype: WGMNZ1
Twitter: OERFoundation, Mackiwg

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