Goodday all,

This month we intend to finalise amendments to the Open Community Governance Policy:

and will be grateful for comment from members of the WikiEducator community on outstanding issues expanded on the Issues page:

Outstanding issues include:

(1) Articulating our values, concisely stated as "diversity, freedom, innovation, transparency, equality, inclusivity, empowerment, human dignity, wellbeing and sustainability" (a blend of WikiEducator and Commonwealth values).

This is linked to a later section on selection of members who share these values (removing explicit reference to the Commonwealth values in that section).

(2) Numbers of members of the WikiEducator Community Council.

(3) Policy on meeting minutes.

Proposed wording for each of these are in blue on the issues page

which is also the page for your comments (alternatively, use Issue page's 'discussion' tab).

Thanks in advance


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