Durova, perhaps taking some cue from Gwern, wrote some poetically
critical and even ugly things above. But while Gwern mostly attacked
the concept of poetry on wikien-l (oh-so-cleverly I might add), Durova
appeared to have made it personal, and, for lack of a better word,
ugly. I don't quite understand how a silly or even stupid poem like
the one I posted might deserve such a response, but I have given it
some thought and broken it down a little.

I was motivated to write this by three things 1) personal hate attacks
and the concepts behind them need to be destroyed, 2) I needed to
address it in order to move on to other list contributions (I've been
away so long; I had forgotten we had jerks on this list) and 3)
correcting Durova's own personal misconceptions, which firstly appears
to be that she can personally attack someone, without real cause even,
and she would receive respect, love, and even grace for it. And
secondly, that she can attempt to destroy someone personally and not
meet certain undeniable correction.

The dominant theories are:
1) Durova and Gwern were motivated to make the point that poetry (even
bad poetry like mine) is altogether unwelcome on wikien. Attempting to
sound ironic, but sounding rather more unpleasant, they used poetry
itself to make their point. An insipid point, to be sure; even moreso
than my pointless, harmless, poem and the posting thereof. 2) Durova
(less so Gwern) appeared to have and express some animosity toward me
personally. I don't know quite why; I can't remember even having said
a word to her personally, on any matter at all.

3) It also occurs to me that certain people might mismanage certain
concepts: Someone without sufficient self-conceptual distance between
their head and their glutes might so misinterpret a harmless everyday
concept like "poo" and feel entirely soiled by it. The solution is not
to get personally uglier and uglier; lashing out at the very concept
as it were; but to simply use personal force of mind to create some
distance between the two bodily concepts in question.

All is now forgiven. We disembodied online beings can now go and do
other and maybe better things. With all apologies.. for the poetry.


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