<<-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Saintonge <sainto...@telus.net>

I'm sure that my comments were consistent with the statement to which I
was replying, and which you conveniently omitted.  In all probability,
my use of "you" might very well have been equivalent to the more
stylistically awkward and Victorian use of "one". >>

I am too dense to understand your language.  But now that we've 
established that you meant "One" then yes one should replace one's own 
individual judgement of what is a reliable source.

We do not, to my knowledge, have a list of what sources the community 
deems reliable, and we don't usually go through an orgy of doubt 
regarding each individual source we encounter.  So the only mechanism 
by which, we can speedily gauge the value of a source is our own 
individual judgement.

Those who have no judgement, shouldn't try to gauge the value of a 

That, Ray, is why the project wants and needs experts in each field.  
Those experts have the level of judgement needed to gauge sources.  
It's entirely probably that many non-experts do as well, but if anyone 
feels that they are not worthy of doing that task, then they can 
certainly leave it for others to do.

Every place I see a citation to certain sources I know to be 
unreliable, I will strike it out.  There is no need to cite unreliable 
sources, when we have right on Google Books (now) a much better and 
more reliable source for the subject material.

Will Johnson

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