On Wed, 18 Jan 2012 20:34:49 -0500, Anthony wrote:

> Put for wikipediareview.com in your hosts file.
> (Fortunately, as SOPA has not passed, this is legal :)).

Like I'm gonna go reconfiguring my own system just to get around the 
fact that those guys can't keep their act together well enough to 
properly manage their domain registration?

It appears that wikipediareview.org also belongs to them and has not 
yet expired, but unfortunately they have it set up to redirect to the 
nonfunctional .com domain.  (I personally would have done the 
redirection the opposite way, since it's a noncommercial criticism 
and discussion site, more logically done as a .org rather than 
implying commerciality with .com; Wikipedia itself switched from .com 
to .org when it went noncommercial.)  They could easily make their 
site accessible again simply by setting up the .org domain to point 
directly at the site instead of redirecting, but probably that 
configuration is in the hands of the same person who failed to renew 
the other domain, maybe a different person than whoever manages the 
web hosting itself.  I could never untangle the details of the 
ownership/management of that site, which has sometimes been in heated 

== Dan ==
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