I agree with you about the visibility of t-shirts, but we have found in
Ireland that reusable cotton shopping bags are very popular as gifts, and
have the same benefit of being seen.

On Thu, 8 Aug 2019 at 19:27, Strainu <strain...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Pe joi, 8 august 2019, Mariel Garcia Montes <mmontes-...@wikimedia.org> a
> scris:
>> Thank you for your question (and to Nicolas for chiming in). The answer
>> is *it depends*. And here is what it depends on:
>> If you are providing vouchers or large prizes as part of your competition
>> and T-shirts (or stationery) are a secondary prize for the same individuals
>> who would receive these large prizes, then we would ask you to remove them
>> from the budget.
>> However, if you are printing a small number of T-shirts (or stationery)
>> as the only prizes for a small number of people, then we would not take
>> them off your budget.
>> The general rationale is that, in Rapid Grants experience, T-shirts and
>> stationery end up being high-cost items in most grant proposals, and,
>> unless they are given out strategically, they will add to a pile of things
>> that people don't use. We don't think the world needs more of that!
>> Now, more specifically about T-shirts. Let's say that you are considering
>> T-shirts as the main prizes in your competition. We will not say no, but we
>> will encourage people to consider other gifts, such as notebooks or mugs,
>> for the following reasons:
>> - When you are designing and printing T-shirts, you generally go with a
>> set shape or size that might not fit the people who will receive it in the
>> end. So T-shirts can end up excluding people who do not fit in this average
>> because they are too big or too small… You can read what others have said
>> about this issue (for example, on this blog post
>> <https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2018/05/no-more-conference-t-shirts-please/>).
> Hmm, is that the general way to go? We always printed the t-shirts based
> on requests from the winners.
>> - How many people do you know that actually wear all the T-shirts they
>> receive from similar initiatives? Wiki volunteers might be expected to wear
>> and re-wear these T-shirts in different events, but people with loose
>> affiliations to the movement most likely won't. A mug, a notebook, socks,
>> have more use potential than a T-shirt.
> I do know quite a lot of people who wear the swag they receive, but I
> realize that this is dependent on local context and habits. Specifically,
> in Romania it is not uncommon for photographers to work in t-shirts (as
> opposed to shirts or a more formal attire).
> That being said, compared to the other stuff you mentioned, t-shirts have
> the advantage of lasting much longer AND being far more visible. Mugs and
> socks are mostly visible to their owners, while t-shirts visible to anyone
> who happens to be near the owner.
>> Again, if you decide that, in your context, T-shirts are the best
>> possible incentive and that's the prize you choose, we will accept it. But
>> in the meantime, please consider more inclusive and useful alternatives.
>> On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 12:57 PM Nicolas VIGNERON <
>> vigneron.nico...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Le jeu. 8 août 2019 à 18:49, Strainu <strain...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>> Hi Mariel,
>>>> I understand from the guidelines that t-shirts can still be provided as
>>>> prizes. Is this correct?
>>>> Strainu
>>> Well... It's unclear but it's also what I understand from
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Rapid/Learn#Facilities,_equipment_and_materials
>>> Cdlt, ~nicolas
>> --
>> Mariel García-Montes
>> Junior Program Officer, Rapid Grants
>> Community Resources
>> Pronouns: she/her/hers
>> Wikimedia Foundation
>> User: MMontes (WMF)
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