I think it is totally fair to count this as costs - however, you're right
that you should also try to estimate the other side of the equation: gains.
The conversation between two staff members is a gain, as is community
liaison work. Improved networks too, etc. But this is all much more
subjective and harder to measure or even estimate.


2013/8/26 WereSpielChequers <werespielchequ...@gmail.com>

> Be careful how you measure things, sometimes there will actually be
> savings here, often there will be costs that would have been incurred
> regardless of Wikimania. For example two chapter staff members at Wikimania
> discuss something in person that they would have discussed by phone. If you
> count the cost of their time at Wikimania then you might cost it as 3 days
> of each of their time for Wikimania. But if a staff member is using part of
> their time at Wikimania to meet people who they would otherwise have called
> then it would be wrong to count their full salary cost for those three days
> against the Wikimania budget. There may even be a saving on international
> phone calls.
> This could be quite significant as there were many WMF and Chapter staff
> at Wikimania. Some of their time will be because of Wikimania, but I
> suspect that much, hopefully most of their time will have been spent on
> things that Wikimania enabled. So a panel of developers taking questions
> from the community at Wikimania should in my view be counted as part of the
> community liaison work of those developers. To some extent this is an
> accounting exercise. There is a natural desire to get a "true cost" of
> Wikimania. But it would be easy to get a false picture of that cost if you
> simply count the cost of employing all those who are staff and also the
> travel and accommodation.
> Regards
> On 25 August 2013 20:31, Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org> wrote:
>> Hi Itzik,
>> probably staff time spent on preparing/attending the conference should
>> also be included.
>> And perhaps also how much volunteers spent on attending from their own
>> budget (this necessarily would have to be an estimate based on flight &
>> accommodation). While this is no 'donor money'  it is definitely cost to
>> the movement.
>> Lodewijk
>> 2013/8/25 Itzik Edri <it...@infra.co.il>
>>> Hi,
>>> I know it may be too early to ask that, but I promise to send another
>>> notification related this issue in the coming months :)
>>> We started last year to make the Wikimania costs more transparent.
>>> Wikimania is our biggest and the most expensive project. To ask our self
>>> "how much Wikimania costs" we can't only look on the project budget, as the
>>> total cost involve also scholarships (from WMF and chapters)
>>> and delegations of the chapters and the WMF.
>>> We have tracking pages on Meta about Wikimania 
>>> 2011<http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2011/Budget>and Wikimania
>>> 2012 <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2012/Budget> (sadly the
>>> organizer team of 2012 didn't updated their costs till now...), and I
>>> opened a new page for Wikimania 
>>> 2013<http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2013/Budget>
>>> .
>>> So again, I know to some of you this is too early to put the costs
>>> (although the size of the chapters and WMF delegation is known and could be
>>> update also now) - but if you can, do it now. If now, remember to do it
>>> what you have the numbers.
>>> The data requested is your chapter\wmf 
>>> delegation<http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2013/Budget#Delegations>
>>>  and
>>> the number of 
>>> scholarships<http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania/Scholarships/2013>your
>>>  chapters gave.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Itzik
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