I'm sorry, Pine....but no.  It's naming and shaming.  If Praveen had wanted
to highlight the frequency of Wikimedians being granted Wikimania
scholarsips, they could have done exactly what Mike Peel did - compare the
relevant lists and highlight the frequency of users receiving one, two or
three grants over the four years for which data is available.  That would
have been - and is - a reasonable point of discussion.  It turns out that
Praveen's information was incomplete at best, and incorrect at worst.

It is unfortunate that people have to say "don't trash someone else because
they got something you didn't".  But that's really what it comes down to.
There are a lot of valid discussion points about Wikimania TPS grants.
That one specific individual has received more than one of them, and
someone is implying that the grantee failed to live up to their undertaken
responsibilities, is not a reasonable way of discussing those points.

I'm going to be honest - aside from the issue of multiple grant awards, I'm
finding that this year's processes are a bit more clear than in previous
years.  The partial grants, which are worth around 850 USD depending on
room rates, are a good idea, and allow the recipients to select the most
suitable means of transportation for them - especially now that so many
more people are avoiding travel through certain geographic locations.[1]

It might be possible, given the number of applicants involved, to provide a
bit more statistical information; for example, total applicants, number who
passed Phase 1, number who passed Phase 2 and were ranked, percentage of
total applicants who received a full or partial grant, etc.  It *might* be
possible to provide the general information about Global South/Global North
applicant ratio, but there might be a risk of de-anonymising [unsuccessful]
applicants when trying to identify number of applications and scholarships
from each size wiki community.  I think the WMF could probably also
identify number of people who were awarded grants but could not accept


[1] Disclosure - I received a set-dollar partial grant in 2013 - Hong Kong
- which was supposed to pay for my airfare. However, it took so long to
confirm the grant that the airfares had doubled from the time they had been
calculated five months before.I'm still glad I went.

On 21 May 2017 at 17:09, Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Perhaps I have overlooked something, but it seems to me that what has been
> offered is a specific example, which I would distinguish from "being named
> and shamed" in the sense that the example is used to illustrate a potential
> problem -- in this case with the system rather than with an individual,
> although it's not exactly harassment to report potential misconduct if
> there was public evidence of such. Let's remember that transparency is
> something that we value, and keep calm and civil while discussing the
> situation.
> Pine
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