Thank you Asaf for your mail!

Hereby a cuteness report on Wikimania 2017, written on behalf of Wendy the

We had a great Wikimania in Montreal with a lot of cuteness.

First of all, everyone who showed support for (more) cuteness in the
Wikimedia movement received two stickers: the logo of the WCA + "Cuteness
approved!". This support was indicated on Meta in the section Users that
support cuteness in the Wikimedia movement
of the Wikimedia Cuteness Association page. This was very successful and
resulted in 109 new indicators of support on this Meta page, and more have
promised to sign up.

On Friday 11 August Katherine Maher asked in her keynote about Wikimania
the support from the Wikimedia Cuteness Association for the Wikimania 2030
strategic direction. The same evening Wendy the Weasel
<> came with an
official statement that it is endorsed. On request of Katherine Maher, the
Wikimedia Cuteness Advisory Committee has been founded to be able to
provide thoroughgoing feedback on cuteness issues. Read the statement at:
The Wikimedia Cuteness Advisory Committee has reviewed the text and has
come with some remarks. Two major issues exist with the current draft: it
misses the word "cuteness" at least once, and second more cute words are
suggested to have the direction much better fit with how Wikimedia will be
in 2030: much more cute!

On Sunday 13 August, during the closing event of Wikimania 2017, many of
the present cuties from the Wikimedia movement had a reserved seat close to
the speakers. One of the speakers was Jimmy Wales. During his speech, one
of the cuties could no longer hold it up and threw himself down. It is not
a good idea to speculate on the exact cause, but maybe the next time the
Wikimedia Cuteness Advisory Committee can give an advice to Jimmy Wales
wherever needed.

after the closing event of Wikimania 2017 the group photo was taken in the
Ballroom. On the front row the many cuties from the Wikimedia Cuteness
Association sat on the front row. (Group photo not yet found on Commons...)

After the closing ceremony and the group photo, the General Assembly (AGM
<>) of the Wikimedia
Cuteness Association took place, present were 30 (!) cuties, supported by
their assistants and many other supporters of cuteness. Also group photos
were made.

On Sunday evening we also got informed (seriously!) by a member of the
Committee <> that the
Wikimedia Cuteness Association can become an official user group of the
Wikimedia movement, and after two years the user group can become a
thematic organisation. The benefit of being recognised is that we can send
a board member to the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin and that we can
receive grants, like for buying the copyrights on the designs of members of
the Boards of Cuties.

It is obvious that cuteness supports the mission and vision of the
Wikimedia movement, but some humanoids are still in denial. A member of the
Learning & Evaluation team from the Wikimedia Foundation indicated that it
would be good to do research on how cuteness effects the performance of
contributors in quantification and numbers. Perhaps an questionnaire can be

Before the Wikimania conference, the Hackathon took place. During the
hackathon there was a goat-a-thon
<> to close the
goat-gap as there are not enough goats on Wikimedia projects. As goats are
special members of the Wikimedia Cuteness Association, and knowledge gaps
in the Wikimedia projects are a( )cute problem, the Board of Cuties is very
happy that a special activity has been organised to address this gap.
Goatification is important for the Wikimedia movement, therefore also
a goatification
project <> exists on
Phabricator, on Wikidata the WikiProject Goats
<> exists, and
one submission
about goats
was held at Wikimania.

As many of you already know, since the Wikimedia Conference in April 2017
in Berlin, the cuties work on a Cuties Space Policy, as successor of the
Friendly Space Policy. This has not been finished yet and is still in draft.

A final point of order, please make sure all cuties are listed on the
membership list at:

The Wikimedia Cuteness Association we also re-activate the wiki of the
Wikimedia Cuteness Association so that we can have there a full photo album
of all our members online.
The two creators of the wiki are too busy to maintain the wiki, therefore
Romaine will (hopefully) soon take it over.

Kind cute regards,

Wendy the Weasel

amanuensis/assistant of Wendy: Romaine

2017-08-09 2:13 GMT+02:00 Asaf Bartov <>:

> Dear friends in cuteness,
> What is the expected representation of our illustrious association at
> Wikimania this year?  Let folks accompanying members of the Wikimedia
> Cuteness Association post a brief introduction, and perhaps say something
> about their expected cute participation in this year's event.
> Cancunchyk the Turtle[1] is here in Montreal, with me as amanuensis.
> Cancunchyk has been participating in the WCA's first-ever Cuteness Exchange
> Program, and has been traveling with me this past year, since Wikimania in
> Esino Lario in 2016.  He has had occasion to supervise my talks and
> activities in events such as the Wikimedia CEE Meeting in Armenia,
> WikiConference India, WikiIndaba in Ghana, the Wikimedia Conference in
> Berlin, WikiConference Bulgaria, WikiConference Czech Republic, and even
> met a US Ambassador and was instrumental in sensitive talks with the
> Turkish government in a (so far unsuccessful) effort to remove the block
> from Wikipedia in Turkey.
> My usual travel companion, Shaxal the Lion[2], has had the benefit of WMF
> Board member Nataliia Tymkiv serving as his amanuensis since Esino Lario,
> and is expected to attend -- and, indeed, supervise -- the WMF Board of
> Trustees meeting this year.
> At the conclusion of Wikimania, Shaxal's and Cancunchyk's exchange program
> would end, and they will work together[3] on publishing a report on the
> Cuteness Exchange Program, which they hope to see replicated across the
> cuteness movement.
> Finally, I believe I have spotted *prospective member* Pushynochka's
> amanuensis in the lobby today, and since Shaxal and Cancunchyk have already
> conducted a membership interview with Pushynochka in Esino Lario[4], this
> event would be a good opportunity to formally induct Pushynochka to the WCA.
> Yours in cuteness,
>     Asaf
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Cancunchyk_interviewing_Pushynochka.jpg
> _______________________________________________
> Wikimedia-Cuteness mailing list
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