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 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Melanie Brown <>
Cc: Garfield Byrd <>, Anasuya Sengupta <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 10:04:27 -0700
Subject: FDC Eligibility Status

Dear Wikimedia Community,
> As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees passed a
> resolution two weeks ago, to establish the Funds Dissemination Committee
> (FDC) [1]. Full details about the planned structure and processes of the
> FDC can be found in the framework proposed to the Board [2].  This
> framework was developed over the past few months with input from a variety
> of people across the movement.
> It is now time to set this plan in motion.  There are a couple of next
> steps we want you to be aware of:
> 1.    Establishing the first Funds Dissemination Committee:  If you are
> interested in nominating yourself to serve either as an FDC member or as
> the FDC Ombudsperson, please submit your nomination by August 15th. The
> Board will appoint the first members by the beginning of September [3].
> 2.    Identifying eligible entities: Today, the Foundation has published
> a list of eligible entities [4] based on the eligibility criteria
> established in the framework [5]. Please let us know if you believe there
> are any corrections to be made to this list. Entities are categorised into
> ‘Yes’, ‘Yes, If’ and ‘No’ categories based on the eligibility criteria.
> Entities who are interested in applying for funds through the FDC but are
> ineligible due to compliance issues (i.e. those who fall into the ‘Yes, If’
> category detailed in the list above) should work with the Foundation to
> develop a plan to correct compliance issues.
> Entities who are ineligible for other reasons - or who would prefer not to
> go through the FDC process in this round - may seek funding through the
> Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program[6].
> 3.    Beginning the applications process for the first round of funding:  The
> first round of applications for funding will be due October 1st. FDC proposal
> forms will be posted on the FDC portal (a hub for FDC related information
> that is currently being set up) on Meta by August 1st. We strongly
> encourage eligible entities to begin filling out the proposals to the FDC
> well in advance of the October 1st deadline, particularly to support time
> for translation, if necessary, and to answer any questions or
> clarifications.
> I would appreciate entities who are interested in applying for the
> upcoming round of funding, emailing me as soon as possible stating your
> interest. In addition, do let me know if you have any questions,
> clarifications or concerns about meeting the eligibility gap. This will
> help us best support you.
> Additionally, as I mentioned in my message on Friday, we will be holding
> two sets of IRC office hours  on Wednesday 25 July. I will be present,
> with Barry, Anasuya (our new Director of Global Learning and Grantmaking)
> and Asaf, to answer any questions you have about the FDC process and the
> steps outlined here; in particular, the first step of establishing the
> eligibility to apply to the FDC. Office hours will be held:
>     · 16:00-17:00 UTC/09:00 PDT Wednesday, July 25th
>     · 23:00-23:59 UTC/16:00 PDT Wednesday, July 25th
> Please join us during these times at
> We are excited to get this process launched and want to send a huge thank
> you to all of you who were involved in getting it kicked off!
> All the best,
> Garfield Byrd, WMF Chief of Finance and Administration
> [1]
> [2] 
> <>
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [5]
Melanie L. Brown
HR Administrator
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 ext 6690
415.882.0495 (fax)

*Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge.  That's our commitment.*

Melanie L. Brown
HR Administrator
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 ext 6690
415.882.0495 (fax)

*Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge.  That's our commitment.*
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